
What would you change about the world?

What would you change about the world?

If you need some inspiration or a motivational kick in the butt, here are 20 things worth changing:

  • Limited access to electricity.
  • Poor treatment of animals.
  • Underfunded green technologies.
  • Bullying.
  • The shortage of jobs.
  • Public education.
  • Time and gravity.
  • The traditional career mentality.

What planet can support life besides Earth?

A 2015 review concluded that the exoplanets Kepler-62f, Kepler-186f and Kepler-442b were likely the best candidates for being potentially habitable. These are at a distance of 1,200, 490 and 1,120 light-years away, respectively.

Why Mars is not suitable for living?

However, the surface is not hospitable to humans or most known life forms due to the radiation, greatly reduced air pressure, and an atmosphere with only 0.16% oxygen. Human survival on Mars would require living in artificial Mars habitats with complex life-support systems.

Which planet only has one moon?


Do we only have one moon?

You can see only one moon, “the” Moon. But does the Earth have any other moons? Around the Solar System, multiple moons are the rule. Jupiter has 67 natural satellites, even Mars has two asteroid-like moons.

Which planet has rings around it?


Can planets have 2 rings?

Saturn is not the only planet that has a ring system, but it is by far the most prominent. Uranus has a system of five rings (here’s a picture) and Jupiter also has two rings (here’s another).

Why do only gas planets have rings?

Some particles of gas and dust that the planets are made of were too far away from the core of the planet and could not be squashed together by gravity. They remained behind to form the ring system.

Is Earth a Jovian planet?

With the exception of Pluto, planets in our solar system are classified as either terrestrial (Earth-like) or Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets. Terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Why do only Jovian planets have rings?

Jovian planets all have rings because they possess many small moons close-in. Impacts on these moons are random. Saturn’s incredible rings may be an “accident” of our time.

What planet has 62 moons?


Does Saturn have 62 or 82 moons?

Saturn has 82 moons. Fifty-three moons are confirmed and named and another 29 moons are awaiting confirmation of discovery and official naming. Saturn’s moons range in size from larger than the planet Mercury — the giant moon Titan — to as small as a sports arena.

How big is Titan vs Earth?

Frequently described as a planet-like moon, Titan is 50% larger (in diameter) than Earth’s Moon and 80% more massive. It is the second-largest moon in the Solar System after Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, and is larger than the planet Mercury, but only 40% as massive.

What is a moon?

A moon is an object that orbits a planet or something else that is not a star. Besides planets, moons can circle dwarf planets, large asteroids, and other bodies. Objects that orbit other objects are also called satellites, so moons are sometimes called natural satellites.

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