Whats a better word for because?

Whats a better word for because?

What is another word for because?

as since
now that in view of the fact that
owing to the fact that seeing that
’cause for the reason that
whereas as long as

Is as a synonym for because?

As: As is a direct synonym for because (for example, “He opted not to go see the movie, as it had gotten poor reviews”), but it’s inferior. 2. As a result of: This phrase is a substitute for “because of,” not because, as in “As a result of his intervention, the case was reopened and they were ultimately exonerated.”

Is since a synonym for because?

A: While “because” does imply cause, “since” can imply time or cause. What does that mean? It means that most of the time these words are synonymous and you can use either one.

Can for mean because?

The experts do agree that you can use the word “for” as a conjunction to mean “because” or “since.” In fact, it’s been used that way for more than a thousand years (1).

Where is because used?

In Standard English, the word “because” can be used two ways. One of them is to introduce a clause, as in “Aardvark was late because he was waiting for the repairman to show up.” Used this way, “because” is a subordinating conjunction. The other is to team up with “of” to form what’s called a compound preposition.

What is the difference between for and because?

The word “because” is a subordinating conjunction that introduces or heads an adverbial clause of cause or reason. The word “for,” on the other hand, is a preposition as well as an adverbial conjunction. And, as a subordinating conjunction, “for” introduces or heads an adverbial clause of cause or reason.

Can you say for instead of because?

You can say: “Jane didn’t come because her mother was sick” or “Because her mother was sick, Jane didn’t come”. But if you use “for”, you can only say “Jane didn’t come, for her mother was sick”. You cannot say “For her mother was sick, Jane didn’t come”. That sentence would sound meaningless in English.

Does as mean because?

As is used to mean because, but it is also used when two events happen at the same time. In “I must stop now as I have to go out.” it means because, but in “She watched him as the train passed close to his house.” it doesn’t mean because. As for the sentences you used as examples, both are correct.

What can I say instead of also?

  • additionally,
  • again,
  • besides,
  • either,
  • further,
  • furthermore,
  • likewise,
  • more,

What is another word for also?

What is another word for also?

and furthermore
moreover besides
further in addition
likewise plus
what is more after that

What is the same meaning of also?

in addition; too; besides; as well: He was thin, and he was also tall. likewise; in the same manner: Since you’re having another cup of coffee, I’ll have one also.

How do you use also?

“Also” is used in positive sentences, to show agreement or something in common. Alice can join us. Helene can also join us. Mahmoud speaks French.

How do you say also in an essay?

Formal English: We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work….Transitions – Informal & Formal.

Informal Formal
Plus/Also Moreover/ Furthermore
But However
So Therefore/Thus
Also In addition, Additionally

What is a synonym for while?

In this page you can discover 50 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for while, like: though, whilst, although, whereas, even-though, throughout the time that, during the time that, trifle away, during, Also used with away: dawdle and elbow grease. Trending topics.

How do you connect paragraphs in an essay?

State the purpose of the paragraph clearly in the topic sentence. Make sure every subsequent sentence refers back to or reinforces the topic sentence. Avoid short, clipped sentences; use connecting words to build effective links. Use topic sentences and concluding sentences to build effective links between paragraphs.

How do you define love essay?

Love is something that means very different things to different people. For some, love can be purely romantic, or even purely sexual. For others, real love is utterly unconditional and only truly exists between family members, or between people and a deity.

What is the best definition of essay?

The definition of an essay is a short piece of writing that expresses information as well as the writer’s opinion. A written composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject.

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