Whats a food that starts with an A?

Whats a food that starts with an A?

Here are your results – food beginning with A

Achacha Adzuki Beans Agar Agar
Alfalfa Allspice Almond oil
Almonds Amaranth Amchur (amchoor) powder
Anchovies Aniseed Annatto seed
Apple Cider Vinegar Apple juice Apple Juice Concentrate

What food or drink starts with the letter A?

Contents show

  • 1 1. Abacha.
  • 2 2. Açai Berry.
  • 3 3. Achu.
  • 4 4. Ackees.
  • 5 5. Acorns.
  • 6 6. Acorn Squash.
  • 7 7. Adai.
  • 8 8. Adobo.

What meat starts with the letter A?

What are meats that start with the letter A?

  • vote. almejas=clams. updated Mar 4, 2010.
  • vote. albóndiga = meatball. asado = roast.
  • votes. las anguilas – eels very popular in Spain. updated Mar 4, 2010.
  • votes. This one’s difficult.

What snacks start with a?

Snack Foods Beginning With A

  • almond butter – spread made from ground almonds that can replace peanut butter.
  • American cheese – processed cheese that melts easily.
  • animal crackers – sweet cracker in the shape of an animal.
  • apple juice – fruit juice made from pressing apples and added sugar.

What healthy foods start with a?

Should I Be Eating… ?

  • Acorn Squash. Acorn squash is a type of starchy, winter squash with a dark-green skin and sweet, yellow-orange flesh.
  • All-Purpose Flour.
  • Allspice.
  • Almonds.
  • Amaranth.
  • Anchovies.
  • Apples.
  • Applesauce.

What is a nice word for the letter A?

50 Commonly Used Positive Words

Word Part of Speech Synonyms
adorable adjective charming, sweet, delightful
adore verb admire, cherish, esteem
adroit adjective able, adept, artful, skilled
adventurous adjective audacious, brave, courageous

How many words start with letter A?

Number of English words starting with each letter in descending order

Letters No. of words Percentage
c 19851 8.37%
a 16869 7.11%
u 16520 6.97%
t 12976 5.47%

What are 6 letter words that start with A?

6 letter words that start with A

  • aahing.
  • aaliis.
  • abacas.
  • abacus.
  • abamps.
  • abased.
  • abaser.
  • abases.

What is a six-letter word that starts with an A?

6-letter words starting with A

Abanga Abanic
abased abaser
abases abasia
abated abater

How many 6 letter combinations are there?

720 arrangements

What are three letter words that start with A?

3 letter words starting with A

  • aah 5
  • aal 4
  • aas 3
  • aba 6
  • abo 6
  • abs 6
  • aby 8
  • ace 6

What is a 7 letter word that starts with C?

7-letter words starting with C

Cabadas cabalas
cabanas cabaret
cabbage cabbagy
cabbala cabbies
cabbing Cabeiri

What is the longest C word?

There are 3 45-letter words that contain letter C. A pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a disease of the lungs, allegedly caused by inhaling microscopic silicate particles originating from eruption of a volcano.

What word has 2 C’s?

In additional to the word accuse, the two c’s in the words accustom, occasion, impeccable, accommodate, and tobacco are pronounced with a single k sound. In addition to the word succeed, the two c’s in the words access, vaccine, and accident are pronounced as a k sound followed by an s sound.

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