Whats a good impact factor?
In most fields, the impact factor of 10 or greater is considered an excellent score while 3 is flagged as good and the average score is less than 1. This is a rule of thumb. However, the wild card to pay attention to is that impact factor and comparing journals are most effective in the same discipline.
What does H index mean?
The h index is a metric for evaluating the cumulative impact of an author’s scholarly output and performance; measures quantity with quality by comparing publications to citations. The h index corrects for the disproportionate weight of highly cited publications or publications that have not yet been cited.
What are the most prestigious scientific journals?
Considering the Impact factor from Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Web of Science Core Collection, the top ten journals (IF 2019) are:
- Nature Reviews Materials – 71.1.
- LANCET – 60.3.
Is H-index of 15 good?
H-index scores between 3 and 5 seem common for new assistant professors, scores between 8 and 12 fairly standard for promotion to the position of tenured associate professor, and scores between 15 and 20 about right for becoming a full professor.
What is H-index and I 10 index?
The h-index reflects both the number of publications and the number of citations per publication. For example a scientist with an h-index of 20 has 20 papers cited at least 20 times. The i10-index is the number of articles with at least 10 citations.
How do you get a high H-index?
Fortunately, there are several acceptable ways to boost your h-index.
- Collaborate with more mature researchers.
- Choose your journal carefully.
- Publish Open Access.
- Think about your audience.
- Network, network, network.
- Work on your writing.
- Show up on social media.
What is a good h-index for associate professor?
In his original 2005 paper introducing H-index (http://www.pnas.org/content/102/46/16569 ) Hirsch claims that (in physics) for faculty at major research universities, “h ≈ 12 might be a typical value for advancement to tenure (associate professor)” and “h ≈ 18 might be a typical value for advancement to full professor. …
What is considered a highly cited paper?
Highly Cited Papers are papers published in the last 10 years that are receiving the most citations (top 1%) when compared to peer papers (same field, same publication year).