
Whats is ethnicity?

Whats is ethnicity?

A person’s ethnicity is their ethnic traits, classification, or association. Usually, ethnicity is a collective noun, but in the singular, an ethnicity is a particular ethnic group. The adjective ethnic relates to large groups of people who have certain racial, cultural, religious, or other traits in common.

How does ethnicity cause conflict?

Ethnic conflict arises if ethnic groups compete for the same goal—notably power, access to resources, or territory. Ethnic identity is created by social interactions between individuals and groups and remains therefore beyond a person’s choice, but it is subject to change if the social conditions change.

What causes ethnic cleansing?

Political elites seek to attain and/or build political power by exploiting nationalism and its need to create the domestic ‘other’ in order to foster solidarity among the dominant nationality. Especially during war and the transition from war to peace, this process can lead to ethnic cleansing.

What are some examples of ethnic cleansing?

Examples of ethnic cleansing understood in this sense include the Armenian massacres by the Turks in 1915–16, the Nazi Holocaust of European Jews in the 1930s and ’40s, the expulsion of Germans from Polish and Czechoslovak territory after World War II, the Soviet Union’s deportation of certain ethnic minorities from …

How many active conflicts are there in the world?

The number of armed conflicts in the world in 2017 was 49, according to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP). Nearly 69,000 people were killed as a direct consequence of state-based armed conflicts in 2017, a decline from the high of 104,000 in 2014 and 88,000 in 2016.

What are the causes of international conflict?

International Conflict Behavior (as defined in Table 4.4) is caused by:

  • opposing interests and capabilities (specific sociocultural differences and similarities between the parties),
  • contact and salience (awareness),
  • significant change in the balance of powers,
  • individual perceptions and expectations,

Which countries have US military bases?

Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?

  • Italy. Hundreds of bases in Europe have closed since the 1990s, but the base and troop ( 11,500) presence in Italy has been relatively constant.
  • Japan.
  • Honduras.
  • Burkina Faso.
  • Iraq.
  • Thailand.
  • Philippines.

Where is the US military currently deployed?

The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, with more than 160,000 of its active-duty personnel stationed outside the United States and its territories….East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Pacific Ocean.

Jurisdiction Japan
Total 53,732
Army 2,511
Navy 19,886
USMC 18,676

How long is a US Army deployment?

between six and twelve months

How many American soldiers are in Africa?

Currently, the US has 7,000 military personnel on rotational deployment in Africa.

Why is the US Army in Africa?

U.S. troops in Africa are primarily responsible for assisting counterterrorism operations against groups like the Islamic State and al-Qaida-linked groups such as al-Shabab. Karns said this involves providing logistics support, airlift, intelligence sharing, among other things.

Are there US military bases in Africa?

Camp Lemonnier is a United States Naval Expeditionary Base, situated next to Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport in Djibouti City, and home to the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) of the U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM). It is the only permanent U.S. military base in Africa.

What is US military doing in Africa?

The capabilities and partnerships created through U.S. military engagement are helping African nations including Benin, Nigeria and Senegal to deal with the coronavirus and contain future pandemics. These non-counterterrorism missions are not mere charity or ideological niceties.

Is there US military in Nigeria?

In April 2018, then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis estimated that in Nigeria, Niger and Mali alone, the U.S. had upwards of 1,000 military personnel. As a point of reference, the U.S. currently has 2,000 troops in Syria and around 14,000 troops in Afghanistan.

Category: Uncategorized

Whats is ethnicity?

Whats is ethnicity?

Ethnicity is a broader term than race. The term is used to categorize groups of people according to their cultural expression and identification. Commonalities such as racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin may be used to describe someone’s ethnicity.

Which of the following statements are true about cultural competency in health care?

Answer: There is no association between the care recipient’s cultural background and the health care providers’ cultural beliefs Recognizing and accepting cultural diversity achieves cultural competency.

How does ethnicity differ from race quizlet?

How do race and ethnicity differ? Race is used to describe biological differences between groups of people (physical) while ethnicity is used to distinguish groups of people based on their culture and heritage (cultural).

What are the similarities between race and ethnicity?

“Race” is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin color or hair texture. “Ethnicity” is linked with cultural expression and identification. However, both are social constructs used to categorize and characterize seemingly distinct populations.

What are some examples of race and ethnicity?

Definitions for Racial and Ethnic Categories

  • American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • Asian.
  • Black or African American.
  • Hispanic or Latino.
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
  • White.

How many different ethnicities are there?

650 ethnic groups

What is an example of symbolic ethnicity?

Examples of symbolic ethnicity include religious celebrations, and rites of passage such as the Quinceañera, a coming of age tradition celebrated by young women across Latin America. Consumer goods, notably food, are another source of ethnic symbols (Gans, 197, 435).

What does race mean in writing?

reword, answer, cite and explain

How do you identify genetic variation?

Genetic variation can also be identified by examining variation at the level of enzymes using the process of protein electrophoresis. Polymorphic genes have more than one allele at each locus.

What is the most common type of genetic variation in human?

Single nucleotide polymorphisms? (SNPs, pronounced ‘snips’) are the most common type of genetic variation amongst people. Each single nucleotide polymorphism represents a difference in a single DNA base?, A, C, G or T, in a person’s DNA.

What are 3 ways natural selection can change a distribution of traits?

Natural selection on polygenic traits can affect the distributions of phenotypes in three ways: directional selection, stabilizing selection, or disruptive selection.

Which source of variation is most important to evolution?

In eukaryotic organisms, therefore, recombination is the greatest source of variation. If two populations of individuals belonging to the same species become separated, each separate population will suffer different mutations, and thus accumulate different combinations of genes.

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