Whats the opposite of waiting?

Whats the opposite of waiting?

Antonyms: abandon, avoid, depart, forfeit, forfend, journey, migrate, move, proceed, reject, resist, shun. Synonyms: abide, anticipate, await, bear, bide, confront, continue, dwell, endure, expect, inhabit, live, lodge, remain, reside, rest, sojourn, stay, stop, tarry, tolerate, watch.

What is the antonyms of wet?

wet(adjective) Antonyms: dry. Synonyms: saturated, damp, soaked.

What is the antonyms of old?

old. Antonyms: youthful, young, recent, fresh, modern, subsequent, newfashioned, current. Synonyms: aged, pristine, long-standing, ancient, preceding, antiquated, obsolete, senile antique.

What’s another word for warmth?

SYNONYMS FOR warmth 3 heat, fire, spirit, vigor. 4 tenderness, kindness, affection.

What’s the meaning of warm?

1a : having or giving out heat to a moderate or adequate degree warm weather a warm fire. b : serving to maintain or preserve heat especially to a satisfactory degree a warm sweater.

What is the opposite of warm clothes?

to dress in warm clothes, or to dress someone in warm clothes: Wrap up well – it’s cold outside.

What do you call clothes you wear at home?

A house dress is a type of simple dress worn informally at home for household chores or for quick errands. The term originated in the late nineteenth century to describe at-home garments designed for maximum practicality and usually made from washable fabrics.

What is the opposite of straight hair?

opposite of straight hair
Opposite of straight hair
Opposite of straight

Whats the opposite of abuse?

What is the opposite of abuse?

fairness justice
goodness happiness
impartiality joy
kindness obedience
praise respect

What’s another word for abuse of power?

What is another word for abuse of power?

misrule misgovernment
mistreatment misuse
abuse misusage
ill-treatment misemployment
misutilization exploitation

What’s another word for verbal abuse?

What is another word for verbal abuse?

reviling vilification
slander upbraiding
bad-mouthing billingsgate
castigation contumely
criticism defamation

What’s another word for abuse?

SYNONYMS FOR abuse 1 misapply. 2 ill-use, maltreat, injure, harm, hurt. 3 vilify, vituperate, berate, scold; slander, defame, calumniate, traduce.

What does mishandle mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to treat roughly : maltreat. 2 : to deal with or manage wrongly or ignorantly.

Is mishandling a word?

1. Physically harmful treatment: abuse, ill-treatment, maltreatment, mistreatment, misusage.

Is mishandled a word?

To deal with clumsily or inefficiently; mismanage: mishandled the project.

How do you spell miss handling?

verb (used with object), mis·han·dled, mis·han·dling.

  1. to handle badly; maltreat: to mishandle a dog.
  2. to manage badly: to mishandle an estate.
  3. to lose or misplace: to mishandle baggage.

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