When a cannonball is fired from a cannon?

When a cannonball is fired from a cannon?

This is called the principle of conservation of momentum . Momentum is conserved in collisions and explosions . Conservation of momentum explains why a gun or cannon recoils backwards when it is fired. When a cannon is fired, the cannon ball gains forward momentum and the cannon gains backward momentum.

Why does a cannonball recoil backwards?

When a cannon fires a cannon ball, the cannon will recoil backwards because the… A rubber ball and a lump of putty have equal mass. They are thrown with equal speed against a wall. The ball bounces back with nearly the same speed at which it hit.

When a cannon fires a cannonball the cannon will recoil backwards because?

When a cannon fires a cannonball, the cannon will recoil backward because the momentum of the cannon is greater than the energy of the cannonball. energy of the cannonball and cannon is conserved. energy of the cannon is greater than the energy of the cannonball. momentum of the cannonball and cannon is conserved.

Why does a cannon recoil when it fires a cannonball quizlet?

A cannon recoils when it fires a cannonball. The momentum of the cannonball is equal to the momentum of the cannon ball. The difference in mass determines the difference in velocity. In order to catch a ball, a baseball player moves her hand backward in the direction of the ball’s motion.

When a cannonball is fired from a cannon the force the cannon exerts on the cannonball is exactly?

Because Earth has a huge mass, we don’t sense its small acceleration. When a cannon is fired, there is an interaction between the cannon and the cannonball. The force the cannon exerts on the cannonball is exactly equal and opposite to the force the cannonball exerts on the cannon.

Why do the interatomic forces inside a ball not accelerate the ball?

Inside a baseball, trillions of interatomic forces hold the ball together but play no role in accelerating the ball. They are part of action-reaction pairs within the ball, but they combine to zero. If the action-reaction forces are internal to the system, then they cancel and the system does not accelerate.

How does the force on the rifle compare with the force on the bullet and why?

How does the force on the rifle compare with the force on the bullet, and why? The magnitude of the force of the rifle is equal to the magnitude of force on the bullet and the forces are in the opposite direction, because for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is the force that makes protons repel each other?

the electromagnetic force

Why do protons not repel each other?

1 Answer. Protons in nucleus no doubt are repelled by each other. The reason for this is that the protons and the neutrons(together called nucleons) are attracted to each other by a strong for called nuclear force. This force acts only in the distances of orders of angstrom or picometre.

Why is nuclear force the strongest force?

The strong nuclear force, also called the strong nuclear interaction, is the strongest of the four fundamental forces of nature. It holds together the quarks that make up protons and neutrons, and part of the strong force also keeps the protons and neutrons of an atom’s nucleus together.

Which is the most powerful force?

The strongest of these is the strong nuclear force, which is 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force – the next strongest of the four forces. The strong nuclear force operates only within the nucleus of an atom and so is not experienced directly within everyday life.

Who is the most powerful force user in the Starwars universe?

Sith Emperor Vitiate

Is KYLO stronger than Vader?

While Vader was certainly powerful with the Force, Kylo Ren is arguably even stronger, being able to freeze people in their tracks without even needing to focus on them. Though Kylo Ren may not be as proficient with a lightsaber as Vader, with enough training, he could overpower his grandfather.

Who is the weakest Jedi?

Star Wars: 10 Weakest Force Users, Ranked

  1. 1 Shaak Ti Inexplicably Continued To Meditate Until Darth Vader Found Her.
  2. 2 Barriss Offee Was Weak With Both The Force & The Dark Side.
  3. 3 Aayla Secura’s Force Sense Completely Failed Her.
  4. 4 Saesee Tiin Also Failed To Help Against Palpatine/Darth Sidious.
  5. 5 Agen Kolar Was No Help Against Palpatine.

Is Vader stronger than snoke?

Supreme Leader Snoke is the Most Powerful ‘Star Wars’ Villain Yet. Supreme Leader Snoke may not be a Sith Lord, but he is more powerful than two of Star Wars’ most infamous Sith Lords: the Emperor and Darth Vader. That is, according to Andy Serkis.

Why is KYLO so weak?

Kylo’s biggest weakness IMO, is that, because he uses the Dark side (especially considering that’s he still has internal conflict) he can be blinded by his own anger and pain.

Did Darth Sidious know snoke?

It seems improbable that Snoke did not know that Palpatine created him, but despite being steeped in knowledge surrounding the Dark Side, there is no evidence in any of the canon content that Snoke knew Palpatine was alive, let alone that he created him.

Can KYLO Ren beat Vader?

Originally Answered: Can Kylo Ren defeat Darth Vader? Kylo would just not have a chance. Ren is an amateur, just a wannabe with swinging his light saber around. Seriously, that lightsaber is about a million times better than his actual skills using it.

Can Vader use force lightning?

Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can’t summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.—Unsigned comment by Ultimate529 (talk. contribs).

Who is the most powerful Jedi?

Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time

  • Kit Fisto (the one on the right)
  • Plo Koon.
  • Nomi Sunrider.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi. Mark Rain, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.
  • Mace Windu.
  • Revan.
  • Yoda.
  • Luke Skywalker.

Who is the strongest Jedi?

5 Most Powerful Jedi That Would Never Turn to the Dark Side (& 5 Strongest Sith That Would Never Turn to the Light)

  1. 1 Yoda.
  2. 2 Darth Plagueis.
  3. 3 Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  4. 4 Darth Sidious.
  5. 5 Mace Windu.
  6. 6 Darth Bane.
  7. 7 Meetra Surik.
  8. 8 Darth Nihilus.

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