When a painter uses linear perspective with a low horizon line in the painting this makes the viewer feel as if he or she is Apex?

When a painter uses linear perspective with a low horizon line in the painting this makes the viewer feel as if he or she is Apex?

A low horizon line gives the viewer a sense of looking down from above. We call it a birds eye view.

Why did Donatello sculpture Mary Magdalene?

The Penitent Magdalene is a wooden sculpture of Mary Magdalene by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello, created around 1453–1455. The sculpture was probably commissioned for the Baptistery of Florence. The piece was received with astonishment for its unprecedented realism.

What are the two components of linear perspective?

Answer: To create a linear perspective is necessary a horizontal line and a group of orthogonal lines.

What is Masaccio best known for?


How did Masaccio enhance the look of the fresco above quizlet?

What was Masaccio best known for? How did Masaccio enhance the look of the fresco above? All of the above (he painted using a high contrast, he illuminated the figures from outside light sources, he painted Jesus in lighter colors than the other figures) (???)

What was the portico of the founding hospital to be used for?

public shelter

Who painted the frescoes in the image below quizlet?

Who painted the frescoes in the image below? Giotto di Bondone.

What does the white towel in the back of the middle panel represent?

In the above image, what does the white towel in the back of the middle panel represent? Purity. A white towel.

Which of the following best describes the steps in the intaglio process?

Which of the following best describes the steps in the intaglio process? Lines are carved into a surface, ink is applied to the carvings, and then the surface is put through a press with paper.

What did the color blue symbolize in Flemish painting quizlet?

What did the color blue symbolize in Flemish painting? Christ’s royal heritage. Painted on inside to display when open, painted on outside to display when closed.

What were two advantages of oil paint over tempera paint?

These are questions and vocabulary from Discovering Art History Chapter 10 dealing with Northern Renaissance art….DAH Chapter 10.

“What were two advantages of oil paint over tempera paint?” “able to mix to create unlimited range of value and color”

What are the advantages of oil painting over tempera?

Oil paint seemed to have clear advantages over tempera – deeper intensity of colors and much slower drying times. The slow drying time meant less waste. An artist could prepare paint and use it for several days. Egg tempera, on the other hand, must be mixed each day since the egg-based vehicle dries quickly.

What dries faster oil or tempera?

The answers are in red….

Tempera Painting Oil Painting
Drying time: Fast. Slow.
Color quality: Flat. Rich, deep colors; subtle gradations. Paint applied in layers or “glazes.”
Most often painted on… Wood panels. Wood panels at first, then on canvas from the Renaissance on.

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