When can you breed Flemish Giants?

When can you breed Flemish Giants?

7 months

How long are Flemish Giants pregnant for?

The gestation period is between 28–31 days. On average they give birth at 30–32 days. The Flemish Giant rabbit can produce large litters, usually between 5 and 12 in a litter.

How often can you breed Flemish Giants?

2-3x per year

Do Flemish Giants poop a lot?

They poop a lot, just like all rabbits do.

Do Flemish Giants smell?

Body Odor. Unlike dogs, rabbits don’t have a body odor. You shouldn’t notice any odor emanating from them. If you do, the rabbit is probably sick or has an infection.

Are Flemish Giants cuddly?

The Flemish Giant is also called the “king of rabbits” because of his large size, longevity, and personality. These giant rabbits can reach an immense size very quickly. A Flemish rabbit is a sweet, lovable companion that can be kept inside, and he blends well into family life.

Do Flemish giants get along with dogs?

Outdoor rabbits will also need a safe, enclosed space which is large enough for them to comfortably move around in. An outdoor Flemish Giant may do well with a dog kennel, as long as the top is enclosed to protect this giant rabbit breed from bird predators.

Should I get a male or female Flemish Giant?

Whether you choose a male or female is your personal preference, but since Flemishes are big rabbits, they are not usually hyper. I would recommend a female for this breed, but there is nothing wrong with choosing a male. Also, Flemishes are nice rabbits and rarely will bite.

Can Flemish Giants eat broccoli?

Under the fresh and green leafy vegetables you can feed asparagus, broccoli, romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, basil, radish tops, beet greens, swiss greens, turnips, mint, chicory, watercress, bok choy, dill leaves, cucumber leaves, carrot top, dandelion, wheatgrass, endive, cilantro, and kale to your rabbit.

How high can a Flemish giant jump?

three feet

What vegetables can Flemish Giants eat?

We feed our bunnies a very robust diet of fed pellets, bunny granola, and timothy hay. cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans. and a high quality oat bread. We feed Nutrena (Nature Wise) Performance Rabbit Feed 18% Pellet.

Can Flemish Giants eat bananas?

Most rabbits digest well a variety of fruit from a young age on, while a handful will suffer the production of watery fecals and/or gas. The rabbit seen at the end of this page, a black Flemish giant, ate one whole banana per day, aside hay, pelleted food, fresh vegetables and herbs.

How much do adult Flemish Giants eat?

Your Flemish Giant as an adult will want 1 quarter cup of Timothy Hay pellets a day.

Can Flemish Giants eat celery?

Can I Give My Rabbit Celery? Yes, but feed variety of vegetables as well. Rabbits love to nibble on different vegetables, including carrots celery. Celery is safe for your bunny but it is recommended to start them off with small amounts.

Can Flemish Giants eat watermelon?

Yes, rabbits are allowed to eat watermelon but this is not their foremost needed dish. Watermelon has a lot of sugar but can be a nutritious treat, too.

What do baby Flemish Giants eat?

Feeding a Flemish Giant. The one thing that distinguishes a Flemish Giant from other breeds is size. In order for him/her to reach his full potential & having healthy teeth, he must be provided with a never-ending supply of fresh, clean water & fed a high-quality diet of hay & pellets on a daily basis.

Are Flemish giants social?

The Flemish giant is a very social animal who thrives when he’s part of the family, so keep him in the house. He’ll weigh as much as 20 pounds when he’s full-grown and measure 2½ feet long. He’ll need plenty of room to move around.

Can Flemish Giants be kept outside?

Flemish Giants can live indoors or outdoors. If you keep them indoors, make sure the temperature does not exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, avoid keeping them in humid conditions.

Do Flemish giants get along with cats?

On the other hand, Flemish Giants tend to do very well with cats. Your heart will gain 20lbs when you get a Flemish Giant Rabbit. They are incredibly loving pets, they take up a lot of room in your home and in your heart.

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