When controlling a car at an intersection what is the direction?

When controlling a car at an intersection what is the direction?

When controlling vehicle direction at an intersection while making a turn, a motorist should steer as far away from the right curb as possible while focusing on the line of sight.

When parking at an angle the motorist should position the vehicle so there is how many feet of space between the vehicle and the right side of the lane?

five feet

How many space zones are surrounding a car?

six zones

What is a changing space zone?

A changing space zone is one that is. Currently clear (open) but in process of becoming obstructed (closed) Closed space zone eliminates potential escape routes which may need to be used to avoid a potential problem.

What are the 6 areas of space around a vehicle?

Vehicle operating space – space surrounding a vehicle that is visible to the driver. There are six areas of space around a vehicle: front left, front, front right, rear left, rear, and rear right.

What is the most important component of safe driving?

One of the most important elements of defensive driving is following basic traffic rules.

What are the four driving principles to safety?

It’s called The LLLC Defensive Driving Principles™, but we just call it “Triple-L-C.” Using the Four Driving Principles of Safety, Look Ahead, Look Around, Leave Room, and Communicate, gives you the time and information you need to avoid an accident and be an all-around better driver.

What are the 3 components of the HTS?

The three components of the highway transportation system (HTS) are: People, machines, and the environment they operate them in. 2 The Problem is People 90-95% of vehicle accidents are caused by people not vehicles or roadways.

Who is the most important part of the HTS?

The most important element in the regulation of HTS is the driver who obeys the traffic laws.

What is the main goal of the HTS?

The highway transportation system is made up of roadway users, vehicles, and roadways. The purpose of the HTS is to move people and cargo from one place to another in a safe and efficient manner.

What are some examples of HTS breakdowns?

What are some examples of HTS breakdowns? Steering wheel and break failure, running out of fuel, leaving lights on, collisions, traffic, injury and death.

What are two examples of HTS risks?

Traffic tie-ups and collisions are two examples of HTS breakdowns.

What are the 5 ways to help reduce risk on the highway transportation system?

Following these defensive driving tips can help reduce your risk behind the wheel:

  • Think safety first.
  • Be aware of your surroundings — pay attention.
  • Do not depend on other drivers.
  • Follow the 3- to 4-second rule.
  • Keep your speed down.
  • Have an escape route.
  • Separate risks.
  • Cut out distractions.

What part of the HTS is most important in keeping this a low risk driving situation?

What part of the HTS is most important in keeping this a low-risk driving situation? Driving in peak mental condition and always being aware of your surroundings and predicting the outcomes of choices.

Which of the following might be a factor in judging distances accurately for some people?

The one that might be a factor in judging distances accurately for some people is option A. Many people see clearly in the daytime but not at night. This symptom is commonly called as nyctalopia.

What prevents you from judging distances while driving?

Vision. You need good vision to drive safely (see the Vision section). If you cannot see clearly, you cannot judge distances or spot trouble, and you will not be able to make the best judgments.

Which of the following should you do while driving?

8 Things You Should Remember To Do When Driving

  • Always buckle up.
  • Put away your cell phone.
  • Rid yourself of all distractions.
  • Set all of your vehicle’s controls before you begin to drive.
  • Use your turn signals.
  • Obey the speed limits.
  • Stop at stop signs.
  • Check you blind spots.

What should you do to develop good eye habits while driving?

Most driving mistakes are caused by bad habits in the way drivers use their eyes.

  1. AIM HIGH—Look ahead, not down.
  2. KEEP YOUR EYES MOVING—A good driver concentrates on selecting details in the traffic scene.
  3. GET THE BIG PICTURE—Search the whole scene; check the rearview mirrors.

What are the 3 basic rules when developing good eye habits for driving?

Three basic rules to follow when developing good eye habits for driving: Aim high—look ahead, not down. Keep your eyes moving. Get the big picture.

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