When did worms first appear?
500 million years ago
What was the new evolutionary change that showed up in worms?
Scientists find worms that recently evolved the ability to regrow a complete head. An international group of researchers including biologists from the University of Maryland found that at least four species of marine ribbon worms independently evolved the ability to regrow a head after amputation.
What trimester does Abruptio placenta most commonly occur?
Placental abruption affects about 1% of pregnant woman. It can occur at any time after 20 weeks of pregnancy, but it’s most common in the third trimester.
What is CX pregnancy?
Cervical length refers to the length of the lower end of your uterus. During pregnancy, the length of the cervix might shorten too soon, increasing the risk of preterm labor and premature birth.
What is Vasa praevia?
Vasa previa occurs when membranes that contain fetal blood vessels connecting the umbilical cord and placenta overlie or are within 2 cm of the internal cervical os. Vasa previa can occur on its own (see figure Vasa previa) or with placental abnormalities, such as a velamentous cord insertion.
How serious is vasa previa?
The biggest danger with vasa previa is rupture of the amniotic membranes. When the amniotic sac breaks, this can cause the unprotected veins and arteries of the umbilical cord to rupture as well, leading to fetal hemorrhage.
Can Vasa Previa go away?
In many cases of vasa previa, the condition resolves itself at some point through the pregnancy. However, other patients may require specialized care for a healthy and safe delivery, and others have a higher risk of delivering their baby early.
What are the causes of vasa previa?
The 2 main causes of vasa previa are velamentous insertions (where the cord inserts directly into the membranes, leaving unprotected vessels running to the placenta) (25–62%) and vessels crossing between lobes of the placenta such as in succenturiate or bilobate placentas (33–75%) (36, 56).
Can I have another baby after vasa previa?
If vasa previa does not cause any complications, doctors often plan to deliver the baby between 34 to 37 weeks of pregnancy. However, delivery can be earlier if the woman or fetus is in danger. Delivery is always cesarean. Vaginal bleeding continues.
What are the risk factors for vasa previa?
You’re at greater risk of vasa previa if:
- your placenta is low-lying (placenta previa)
- your previous birth(s) were by cesarean delivery.
- your pregnancy occurred through in vitro fertilization (IVF)
- you’re pregnant with multiple babies.
- you’ve had previous uterine surgery.
How do you manage Vasa previa?
Management of prenatally diagnosed vasa previa includes antenatal corticosteroids between 28e32 weeks of gestation, considerations for preterm hospitalization at 30e34 weeks of gestation, and scheduled delivery at 34e37 weeks of gestation.
How serious is Velamentous cord insertion?
Velamentous cord insertion can cause vasa previa, which means the unprotected blood vessels lie between the baby and the mother’s birth canal. When labor begins, the blood vessels may break, putting the baby at risk of serious blood loss.
Is Vasa previa and placenta previa the same?
Is Velamentous cord insertion the same as vasa previa?
Vasa previa can occur on its own (see figure Vasa previa) or with placental abnormalities, such as a velamentous cord insertion. In velamentous cord insertion, vessels from the umbilical cord run through part of the chorionic membrane rather than directly into the placenta.
Why does Vasa Previa cause fetal bradycardia?
Prior to rupture of the amniotic membrane during labor, compression of the vulnerable fetal blood vessels by the presenting part may lead to fetal heart decelerations and bradycardia. However once ruptured, vasa previa will result in brisk vaginal bleeding with rapid fetal exsanguination.
How early can Vasa Previa be diagnosed?
Based on available data, planned cesarean delivery for a prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa at 34-37 weeks of gestation is reasonable. Viable gestational age with PPROM: cesarean delivery is recommended. Vasa previa should be suspected when vaginal bleeding is accompanied with sinusoidal pattern in FHT tracing.
What does Velamentous cord insertion mean?
A velamentous cord insertion is a pregnancy complication in which the umbilical cord is abnormally inserted into the placenta. In a typical pregnancy, a baby’s blood vessels travel from the center of the placenta into the baby via their umbilical cord.
Is Velamentous cord insertion considered high risk?
Abnormal cord insertions are associated with increased rates of abnormal FHR tracings and Cesarean deliveries. In particular, a VCI should be deemed a high-risk pregnancy and a warning sign of a possible vasa previa.