When fighting a fire with an extinguisher Why do you aim the product at the base of the fire and not at the flames?
You should aim the nozzle, hose or horn (on a CO2) at the base of any fire because this is where the fuel is, and this is the part you need to extinguish to stop the fire from continuing. If you simply aim at the flames you will not stop the fire permanently and your extinguisher will be empty before the fire is out.
When operating a portable fire extinguisher It is important to remember to aim the nozzle?
PASS Step 2: AIM the nozzle, horse, or hose Aim the nozzle, horn, or hose of the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire (this means the bottom, where the stuff that’s burning is located). A common mistake is to aim into the flames. This won’t put out the fire.
Is it better to run through fire?
If possible, don’t run or walk through a burning room Fire is certainly dangerous, but so is the heat and smoke it generates. As if that weren’t bad enough, smoke inhalation during a fire can cause you to experience carbon-monoxide poisoning, which may cause confusion or loss of consciousness.
What should you do if your clothes catch fire?
If you clothes catch fire:
- STOP immediately where you are.
- DROP to the ground.
- ROLL over and over and back and forth, covering your face and mouth with your hands (this will prevent flames from burning your face and smoke from entering your lungs).
- COOL the burn with cool water for 10-15 minutes.
- CALL a grown-up for help.
What do you do if you discover a person is on fire?
If someone else catches on fire, smother the flames by grabbing a blanket or rug and wrapping them up in it. If a fire extinguisher is available, use it to extinguish the flames.
When a person’s clothes catch fire cover him with a blanket Why?
When clothes of a person catch fire, his body is covered with blanket to stop the supply of oxygen. Air (oxygen) is essential for combustion. In the absence of air, combustion will not occur. Hence, the fire will be extinguished.
When a person is caught with fire he or she is wrapped in a thick blanket so as to?
As the fire blanket completely surrounds the person whose clothes caught fire, it seals the person’s body surface around the fire and cut’s off the oxygen supply to the fire, thereby putting it out. Hence fire blanket acts as a fire extinguisher and stops the fire from spreading.