When merging onto the expressway you should stop on the entrance ramp?
When merging onto the expressway, you should stop on the entrance ramp if you do not see an immediate opening in traffic. Driving under the speed limit (under normal conditions) is a good safe-driving technique. To activate the Anti-lock Brake System, you must pump the brake three times.
When merging with freeway traffic you should try to merge?
Question | Answer |
Cover breaking | Is when you take your right foot off they accelerator and hold it over the brake in order to increase reaction time. |
When merging with freeway traffic, you should try to merge ________________. | At the same speed as the freeway traffic. |
What is the right lane of traffic on an expressway for?
Drive in the lane that is best suited to the traffic conditions. On a two-lane freeway, use the right lane for cruising and the left lane for passing. When there are three or more lanes, use the right lane if you are traveling at a slower speed than traffic, the left lane for passing, and the center lane for cruising.
What type of lines identify a merge area?
Merge area – the area used to move onto the expressway and is usually marked with a broken white line.
Why is the weave lane dangerous?
Dangerous because there could be a vehicle entering the expressway, using the weave lane as their acceleration lane, while another vehicle might be exiting the expressway using the same weave lane as their deceleration lane. What should you never merge in front of when entering the expressway?
Why do people weave in traffic?
The only reason to “weave through lanes of traffic” is if the passing lane is not available for use. How do drivers of fast cars manage to drive conservatively at the speed limit and in the travelling lane (right lane)?
What is the center lane used for on a highway with three lanes in each direction?
If you can choose among three lanes, pick the middle lane for the smoothest driving. To drive faster, pass, or turn left, use the left lane. When you choose to drive slowly, enter or exit traffic on the right, turn right, park, or move off the road, use the right lane.
Can you use the center turn lane to merge?
To answer your question, no, it is illegal to use the center turn lane as a merge lane and my recent close call is just one example of why it is dangerous and how crashes can happen. The center turn lane is just that, a turn lane, and those who use it as merge lane may be issued a civil infraction.
What are the three lanes on a freeway for?
When there are three lanes on a freeway: The right lane is for avoiding most traffic.
Which is the safest lane on a motorway?
Choose a safe speed and use the left-hand lane of the motorway unless you are overtaking. Check your following distance by the ‘two-second rule’.
What lane is for slow drivers?
right lane
How fast should you go in the left lane?
The left lane is reserved for passing where the speed limit is 65 MPH or faster. It is illegal for a person to drive in the left lane, where the speed limit is 65 MPH or more, unless they are passing another vehicle, or the volume of traffic does not permit them to safely merge into a non-passing lane.
Can you stay in left lane on motorway?
Three-lane motorway – you should stay in the left-hand lane unless you need to overtake slower moving traffic. You should only use the outer lane to overtake slower moving vehicles when the left-hand and middle lanes are occupied with slower moving traffic.
When should you use the left-hand lane of a motorway?
Explanation: On a motorway, you should keep to the left-hand lane whenever possible. Only use the other lanes for overtaking or when directed by signals. Using other lanes when the left-hand lane is empty can frustrate drivers behind you.
What should the left-hand lane be used for?
You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past.
What vehicles are not allowed in the fast lane?
Q590: What types of vehicles are not allowed in the outside lane on the motorway?
- a goods vehicle having a maximum laden weight exceeding 7.5 tonnes,
- a goods vehicle having a maximum laden weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 7.5 tonnes, which is required to be fitted with a speed limiter.
Which vehicle should use the left-hand lane on a motorway?
Explanation: On a motorway, all traffic should use the left-hand lane unless overtaking. When overtaking a number of slower vehicles, move back to the left-hand lane when you’re safely past. Check your mirrors frequently and don’t stay in the middle or right-hand lane if the left-hand lane is free.
What is the right-hand lane used for on a motorway?
Motorways typically have three lanes: Lane one – the left lane – is for routine driving. Lane two – the middle lane – and lane three – the right-hand lane – are for overtaking. Keep to lane one unless there’s a build-up of slow-moving vehicles in that lane, when you can move over to one of the other lanes.
What lights should you use on a well lit motorway?
Explanation: If you’re driving on a motorway at night or in poor visibility, you must always use your headlights, even if the road is well lit. Other road users must be able to see you, but you should avoid causing dazzle.
In which situation are you legally allowed to overtake?
Overtaking on the nearside (left) is legally acceptable if you are driving on a multi-lane carriageway in congested conditions, and the lane to the left is moving at a faster speed than lanes to the right.
Why is overtaking dangerous?
If you attempt to overtake, you’ll likely swerve at one end, likely to hit another car coming from another direction or risk falling into the river and endanger your life and your passengers as well. Among the many high-risk areas where overtaking is prohibited, bridges come at number one.