
When popcorn is heated over a flame the kernel burst open Why does this occur?

When popcorn is heated over a flame the kernel burst open Why does this occur?

A kernel of popcorn bursts open when heated because the air and water vapor inside it are expanding.

What causes water to have such an anomalously high boiling point?

Explanation: Water has an unusually high boiling point for a liquid. This is related to the intermolecular forces between water molecules; when a liquid has particularly large intermolecular forces, it will have a higher boiling point.

Which has the higher boiling point HF or HCL Why?

a) The intermolecular bonding for HF is van der Waals, whereas for HCL, the intermolecular bonding is hydrogen. Since the van der Waals bond is stronger than hydrogen, HF will have a higher boiling temperature. Since the covalent bond is stronger than van der Waals, HF will have a higher boiling temperature.

When NaCl dissolves in water the force of attraction that exists between Na+ and H2O is called?

ion-dipole interaction

What is the strongest interparticle force in a sample of Kr?

dispersion forces

Which substance has only London dispersion forces?

London dispersion forces are the electrostatic forces between molecules having an accidental or induced dipole. All covalent molecules (polar and nonpolar) have London dispersion forces, but only polar molecules (those with permanent dipoles) exhibit dipole forces.

Why is London dispersion the weakest force?

The weakest of these forces is the London dispersion force, one of the Van der Waals forces. This force is weaker in smaller atoms and stronger in larger ones because they have more electrons that are farther from the nucleus and are able to move around easier.

What is the weakest intermolecular force?

London dispersion force

Why is co2 London dispersion?

CO has two C-O bonds. The dipoles point in opposite directions, so they cancel each other out. Thus, although CO₂ has polar bonds, it is a nonpolar molecule. Therefore, the only intermolecular forces are London dispersion forces.

What has the strongest London dispersion forces?

The dispersion forces are strongest for iodine molecules because they have the greatest number of electrons. The relatively stronger forces result in melting and boiling points which are the highest of the halogen group.

What are the weakest attractions between molecules?

Van der waals forces is the weakest intermolecular force. It is a temporary force that happens when electrons of two adjacent atoms occupy positions that make atoms form dipoles which can be temporary dipoles or a stronger dipole-dipole forces.

What is the strongest evidence for hydrogen bonding?

The boiling points of NH3, H2O, and HF are abnormally high compared with the rest of the hydrides in their respective periods.” is the strongest evidence for hydrogen bonding.

Why are intramolecular forces stronger?

Intramolecular forces are stronger than intermolecular forces, because the attractions that hold compounds together are stronger than the attractions between molecules.

Which type of solid has the highest melting point *?

Covalent bonds

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