When the monster in Frankenstein finally meet again how are they different?

When the monster in Frankenstein finally meet again how are they different?

Answer Expert Verified. The answer to this question is A> Upon meeting once again, their is a role reversal, as Frankenstein chooses to live in isolation of his own accord. The monster is imprisoned against his will.

What do Victor and the monster have in common in the last third?

Both are in an obsessive pursuit to destroy the other. Explanation: After refusing to Frankenstein’s request of creating him a girlfriend Victor receives the threat of the monster that he would get revenge.

How are Waltons and Frankenstein stories alike?

Victor Frankenstein was a scientist that was driven by his goal of bringing the dead back to life thereby creating the monster. Walton met Frankenstein in the Arctic, and because of this similarity between the two men, when Walton took Victor on board a bond was formed and he repeatedly called him brother.

How does Victor Frankenstein die?

Victor Frankenstein—the scientist who created the monster often incorrectly referred to as “Frankenstein”—dies from a severe case of pneumonia. Frankenstein contracts his case of pneumonia after chasing his monster into the Arctic and falling through a patch of ice into freezing water.

What were Victor Frankenstein’s last words?

With his final words, Frankenstein even takes back his earlier warning about the dangers of too much ambition: “Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.” Rather than learning from his mistakes, Frankenstein compounds one mistake after another, leading to his death.

Does the monster in Frankenstein feel guilty?

When Frankenstein’s fight was terminated by death, his monster visited his coffin, asking for his forgiveness. He explained that “evil thenceforth became [his] good” and he, although he felt guilty, continued to kill to prove his point and get revenge on Frankenstein (Shelley 218).

Is Frankenstein’s monster remorseful?

In the final chapter of Frankenstein, the creature does express remorse for his heinous acts because they have caused the death of his creator. Certainly, he weeps over the body of Victor Frankenstein, whom he has loved from the moment he opened his eys, displaying more feeling for Victor than Victor has had for him.

Is Frankenstein monster innocent?

In the genesis of the novel the creature felt very alone which started to make him feel very frustrated. As the story proceeds, he evolved into the monster everyone set out to believe he was by executing his first unlawful act of murder. In the beginning, when he awakens in the lab, he was innocent.

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