When was GCSE results day 2013?

When was GCSE results day 2013?

Exam success for stabbed teenager Teenager Ajmol Alom, 16, who died after he was wounded in the thigh in Poplar, east London, on August 12, would have achieved excellent exam results today.

Is a 7 in GCSE good?

In general, a grade 7-9 is roughly equivalent to A-A* under the old system, while a grade 4 and above is roughly equivalent to a C and above. Fewer students will receive a grade 9 than would have received an A* under the old grading system.

What if I fail my GCSE?

You can still enrol to retake your GCSEs at a local school or college. This means you’ll have a timetable and attend classes with other GCSE students. For Maths and English, resitting is compulsory if you haven’t achieved a pass (grade 4).

How many GCSEs do you need for sixth form?

For A Levels, students must have a minimum of eight GCSEs or equivalent at grade 4 or above including a 5 in English Language and Maths, and a grade 5 (or equivalent) minimum in each of the subjects they choose to study at this level.

Is it illegal to not go to college in the UK?

In short, although it is against the law to quit education before you turn 18, there are really no legal consequences for breaking this rule. The official school leaving age — which varies depending on where you are in the UK — is generally 16, but it is necessary to remain in some form of education until you are 18.

Can I leave school at 16 if I have a job?

You can leave school at the end of the school year you turn 16 (normally the end of year 11), but this doesn’t mean the end of education. All young people are now expected to stay in some kind of education or training until they are 18. This can be combined with paid or voluntary work.

Can I leave school at 15 UK?

School Leaving Age in England As a rule, in England you can finish school on the last Friday in June. But, you can only leave school at the age of 16 if you are continuing through to the age of 18 years old in one of the following: Work-based learning (e.g. you become an apprentice or find a traineeship program).

Can I employ a 16 year old full time?

Young people can start full-time employment as soon as they leave school, which is on the last Friday in June of the year that they turn 16 years old. If a young person starts a full time job at 16 they will still need to complete at least 280 guided learning hours a year in education or training.

Can you leave school 14?

YOUNGSTERS may be allowed to leave school at 14 if they are not academically minded. Colleges would have to have a dedicated 14 to 16 area within the building if they are to be able to recruit from schools, and parents must apply for places for their children as they already have to do with schools.

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