When was Helen of Troy written?

When was Helen of Troy written?

5th century BC

How long did Helen of Troy live?

ten years

Where is the real city of Troy?


Where is the horse of Troy?

The Trojan horse that appeared in the 2004 film Troy, now on display in Çanakkale, Turkey.

Where is Troy in Turkey map?

Welcome to the Interactive Map of the ancient city of Troy. The ancient city of Troy was located along the northwest coast of Asia Minor, in what is now Turkey. It occupied a strategic position on the Dardanelles, a narrow water channel that connects the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea, via the Sea of Marmara.

Is Troy near Gallipoli?

The distance between Gallipoli Peninsula and Troy is 47 km.

Where is the Trojan Horse located in Turkey?


What does Trojan horse mean today?

Today, the term “Trojan horse” is still used to refer to any kind of deception or trick that involves getting a target willingly to allow an enemy into a secure place. The Trojan horse is also the source of the nickname “Trojans” for computer programs — called malware — that can infect computer systems.

How tall was the Trojan horse?

The Horse would have been around 10 feet wide (3 metres). This is based on the width of the widest gate discovered in the ruins of Troy. Based on the fact the Trojans had to knock the upper walls down so the horse could pass into the city, the Horse would have been at least 25 feet (7.6 metres) tall.

Why did they accept the Trojan Horse?

The Greeks, pretending to desert the war, sailed to the nearby island of Tenedos, leaving behind Sinon, who persuaded the Trojans that the horse was an offering to Athena (goddess of war) that would make Troy impregnable. Despite the warnings of Laocoön and Cassandra, the horse was taken inside the city gates.

What was the wooden horse trick?

The Trojan Horse is one of history’s most famous tricks. The Greeks were laying siege to the city of Troy, and the war had dragged on for ten years. They built a wooden horse, which they left outside the city. The Trojans believed the horse was a peace offering and dragged it inside their city.

Who found the city of Troy?

Heinrich Schliemann

Did Achilles really live?

He shot his unsuspecting enemy with an arrow, which Apollo guided to the one place he knew Achilles was vulnerable: his heel, where his mother’s hand had kept the waters of the Styx from touching his skin. Achilles died on the spot, still undefeated in battle.

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