When was the BECE results released?

When was the BECE results released?

The WAEC BECE result for 2020 has been released on Wednesday 16th December 2020. You can now proceed to check your result online. READ ALSO: WAEC BECE Grading System 2020/2021.

Has the Bece result been released?

The West African Examinations Council have announced that the BECE results will be released on 17 December 2020. This year saw the highest number of candidates taking the exam and the BECE results 2020 checking process has been simplified this year.

Which year did Bece started in Ghana?


Has 2020 Bece been Cancelled?

The West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) has announced that it has released the provisional results of students who sat for the 2020 Basic Certificate Examination (BECE). The Council indicated that the entire results of 44 candidates have been cancelled for bringing mobile phones into the examination hall.

Are the Novdec results out 2020?

The West Africa Examinations Council has released results for all Senior High School Students who participated in the 2020 NOV/DEC. The results were released around 8:10 PM on Tuesday, 18th February 2021. The NOV/DEC Results 2020 is now available on the WAEC Site.

How can I get my Wassce results for free?

How to Check WAEC Result Online | www.waecdirect.org

  1. Go to WAEC result checking official portal at www.waecdirect.org.
  2. Enter your centre number and seat number in the required space.
  3. Select the year you sat for the exam i.e. 2020.
  4. Select your Examination Type i.e. SCHOOL CANDIDATE RESULT.

How can I buy Novdec result with Momo?

How to buy WASSCE Result Checker using MTN Mobile Money

  1. Dial mobile money short code (*170#)
  2. Select Momo pay & paybill.
  3. Select Pay bill.
  4. Select General payment.

How do I check my Novdec results online?

How to Check your NOVDEC Results With a PIN

  1. Visit the Waec Result Checker Online Portal through this link; ghana.waecdirect.org.
  2. Start by entering your Index Number.
  3. Then select the Type of Examination (WASSCE Private).
  4. Afterwards Select your Examination Year (2020/2021)
  5. Then enter your date of birth.

How can I buy WAEC scratch card with Momo?

How To Purchase WAEC Scratch Card Using MTN MoMo

  1. Dial 7111000# on your Phone with MTN Sim card.
  2. Select the type of your mobile money Account either Individual or Merchant Account.
  3. You select number 2 on the List ie WAEC results Checker Card to proceed to the next screen.

How do I buy a placement check with Momo?

How to buy 2020 School Placement Checker with Momo

  1. Log onto https://cssps.gov.gh/
  2. Click on CHECK placement.
  3. Enter your index number and add 20 at the end if you sat for the BECE in 2020.
  4. Enter your Placement CODE.
  5. Click PROCEED and wait for the portal to load your school placement status.

What is the code for checking Bece placement?


How can I check my self placement?

Here is how to check your placement according to the Ghana Education Service (GES).

  1. Purchase your e-voucher from the cssps website with mobile money.
  2. Visit CSSPS website at cssps.org or cssps.gov.gh.
  3. Click on “check placement“
  4. Enter your index number and your voucher code.
  5. Access and print your placement.

How do I check my Shs 2020 placement?

How to check your SHS School Placement Online

  1. Visit the CSSPS SHS Placement Checker Portal.
  2. Enter your 10-digits BECE index number followed by the year.
  3. Enter the eVoucher Code (12-digits voucher no.)
  4. Click on the Proceed button.
  5. Wait for a new window with your SHS Placement to show up.

Is 2020 a SHS placement?

SHS School Placement 2020. According to the Ghana Education Service (GES), candidates who just completed the recently concluded BECE will start selecting the SHS they would like to attend from Monday 21st September to Saturday 31st October.

What is the grading system for Bece 2020?

BECE Marks and Grades with Their Interpretation 90-100 is graded as 1, GRADE AA+. 60 -69 is grade 4, GRADE B, described as HIGH AVERAGE. 55 – 60 is GRADE C+, classified as 5 and described as AVERAGE. LOW AVERAGE is a description of marks falling between 50-54 and GRADE C; number 6 in the grading system.

What grade is 70 percent out of 100?

Percent Letter Grade
73 – 76 C
70 – 72 C-
67 – 69 D+
63 – 66 D

What grades qualify for free SHS?

The pass grade which used to be aggregate 25 was scrapped to pave way for more candidates including those who obtained between aggregate 26-48 to gain admission to Free SHS.

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