When was the Constitutional Convention laid out the framework?

When was the Constitutional Convention laid out the framework?

Summary. Finally approved on September 17, 1787, the Constitution laid out the framework for the new United States government.

Which of the following describes the bill making process select all that apply a hearing is a committee discussion over the viability of a bill ad?

A draft is the first step in the process of writing a bill. A committee reviews the bill and marks it up to make it more viable and to reflect interests of committee members. A hearing is a commmittee discussion over the viability of a bill.

Which of the following branches of government would most likely act in the event of a sudden stock market crash?

Legislative branch

Why did the delegates divide power?

How did delegates at the Constitutional Convention divide power between the states and federal government? Federalists: wanted a stronger central government. Also wanted to ratify the Constitutions with only the preamble and articles. Anti Federalists : wanted a weaker central government and more power to the states.

What did the delegates disagree with over most?

How did the delegates disagree about representation in Congress? Delegates from larger states wanted the number of representatives that a state would have in both houses of Congress to be based on that state’s population. States with more people would have more votes in Congress. Smaller states disagreed.

What were three of the major challenges that the Constitutional Convention delegates faced and how was each resolved?

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 faced challenges regarding representation in the legislature, the issue of slavery, and the selection and powers of the chief executive (president) that they resolved through compromise.

Did Benjamin Franklin attend the Constitutional Convention?

In all, 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39 actually signed the Constitution. The delegates ranged in age from Jonathan Dayton, aged 26, to Benjamin Franklin, aged 81, who was so infirm that he had to be carried to sessions in a sedan chair.

What is the biggest bill ever made?

The $10,000 bill was the largest denomination ever to be printed for public consumption.

Why do 100 dollar bills have a blue stripe?

It’s actually part of a security feature designed to help tell real $100s from fake ones. Tilt the bill, and designs along the strip change from bells — as in, Liberty Bells — to the number “100,” in moving patterns. In fact, the blue ribbon has nothing to do with printing — it’s actually woven onto to the paper.

Are old 100 dollars still valid?

Originally Answered: Can I still use an old 100 dollar bill? Yes – they remain valid indefinitely. However, a shop might refuse it because they don’t recognise it and think it might be a fake. You may have to take it to your bank and get them to change it for a current one.

Does money ever expire?

In general yes, as there is no expiration on currency issued by the Federal government, so you could bring old Federal Reserve Notes, Gold and Silver Certificates, national bank notes and United States notes to any bank and they would redeem them for new Federal Reserve Notes.

How much is a 1996 $100 bill worth?

The 1996 series $100 bills are worth around $130 in uncirculated condition with a grade of MS 63.

Do dollars expire?

short answer: NO, they never expire. currency and money is often replaced with new designs. when this happens, banks are informed. then the banks start collecting the ‘no longer made’ currency and give people the new currency.

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