When we try to understand a culture on its own terms?

When we try to understand a culture on its own terms?

Ethnocentrism is the tendency of people to use their own group’s culture as a standard for judging other practices of other cultures. When we try to understand a culture on its own terms, we are practicing cultural relativism.

What does the term real culture refers to?

the term real culture refers to. -the norms and values that people aspire to follow. -historical culture.

Which term is not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms?

Not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms. Ethnocentrism – . the use of one’s own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies, generally leading to a negative evaluation of their values, norms and behaviors.

What is a counterculture example?

Examples of countercultures in the U.S. could include the hippie movement of the 1960s, the green movement, polygamists, and feminist groups. Countercultures run counter to dominant cultures and the social mainstream of the day.

What did hippies stand for?

nonviolence and love

What music do hippies listen to?

Hippie culture spread worldwide through a fusion of rock music, folk, blues, and psychedelic rock; it also found expression in literature, the dramatic arts, fashion, and the visual arts, including film, posters advertising rock concerts, and album covers.

Do hippies like music?

Music has always been a fundamental part of hippie culture, from its 1960s origins to now. Traditional folk music was widespread and popular by the mid-’60s, thanks to events like the Newport Folk Festival and artists such as Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger and Joan Baez.

Do hippies like reggae?

The popularity of the Rastafarian Movement exploded in the 1970s and 80s, especially fomented by the likes of Bob Marley and other Reggae musicians. White Americans, mainly hippies, were attracted to the Rastas’ use of marijuana as a spiritual aid.

Why do hippies wear dreadlocks?

Rastafari movement dreadlocks are symbolic of the Lion of Judah which is sometimes centered on the Ethiopian flag. Rastafari hold that Haile Selassie is a direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, through their son Menelik I. Their dreadlocks were inspired by the Nazarites of the Bible.

When did hippies start wearing dreadlocks?

Outside of Jamaica there weren’t many instances of dreadlocks until the late 60s/early 70s when Marley and the reggae culture (part of which is Rastafarianism) was introduced to the US. After which you started seeing more people sporting dreadlocks.

Can dreadlocks be undone?

Well, I’m here to tell you, yes, dreadlocks can be combed out, especially ones that have been properly cared for during their life, including regular shampooing and conditioning. This is very important! If you decide to comb out your ‘locks, it’s critical that you approach the process with much patience.

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