
When would you use the word subsequently?

When would you use the word subsequently?

“Subsequently” is an adverb meaning “occurring later or after something else.” It is, therefore, used when describing a series of events wherein one thing followed another: President Nixon was heavily criticized for his involvement in the Watergate scandal of 1972. He subsequently resigned from office in 1974.

Where do you put subsequently in a sentence?

(1) The book was subsequently translated into 15 languages. (2) The monk was subsequently venerated as a saint. (3) Subsequently, new guidelines were issued to all employees. (4) Brooke was arrested and subsequently sentenced to five years’imprisonment.

What is an example of subsequent?

The definition of subsequent is happening or coming after something or someone else. An example of subsequent is heavy winds that come after a hurricane has left an area.

What does Subsequent mean in legal terms?

following in time, order

What does subsequently plead guilty mean?

A person charged with a “subsequent offense” is being charged with a crime and has been previously convicted of the same or similar crime, one or more times. Being charged as a subsequent offender means that you are exposed to a greater punishment, sometimes a “mandatory-minimum” sentence.

What is subsequent payment?

Subsequent Payments means any amounts released from the Reserve Account to the Purchaser pursuant to the [Sale and Servicing Agreement] or [Pooling and Servicing Agreement] at such time as the Purchaser receives such amounts. + New List.

Does subsequent mean before or after?

adjective. occurring or coming later or after (often followed by to): subsequent events;Subsequent to their arrival in Chicago, they bought a new car. following in order or succession; succeeding: a subsequent section in a treaty.

What does the word subsequently?

Subsequently means “afterward”: You might be bummed if you bought a book for a friend and subsequently discovered that she’d already read it. Subsequently derives from a Latin verb meaning “to follow.” We use subsequently to describe something in time that follows something else.

What does subsequent order mean?

Subsequent Order means an order which amends, modifies, supplements, or supersedes a protection order.

What is the opposite of subsequent?

subsequent. Antonyms: antecedent, anterior, earlier, foregoing, former, forward, front, introductory, precedent, preceding, preliminary, previous, prior. Synonyms: after, concluding, consequent, following, hind, hinder, hindmost, later, latter, posterior, succeeding.

What is the opposite of justify?

justify. Antonyms: condemn, censure, convict, criminate. Synonyms: clear, vindicate, exonerate, defend, absolve, excuse.

How do you use intellectual in a sentence?

Intellectual in a Sentence ?

  1. Because the teen’s intellectual development is subpar, he cannot process higher level theories.
  2. The trivia contest is sure to bring out the intellectual side of everyone in the classroom.
  3. While on long car trips, I encourage my children to play intellectual games like hangman and chess.

What is another word for intellectual?

What is another word for intellectual?

cerebral academic
intelligent learned
scholarly bookish
erudite clever
highbrow knowledgeable

What is an intellectual person called?

intellect. noun. someone who is extremely intelligent.

What is the best synonym for intellectual?

Synonyms & Antonyms of intellectual

  • blue,
  • cerebral,
  • eggheaded,
  • geeky,
  • highbrow,
  • highbrowed,
  • intellectualist,
  • intellectualistic,

How can I have an intellectual conversation?

  1. Know that you can’t have intellectual conversations with everyone.
  2. Read books and watch documentaries about intellectual topics.
  3. Join a philosophy group.
  4. Mention things that interest you and see what resonates with people.
  5. Ask the right questions to figure out what someone is interested in.
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