Where are white sharks found?

Where are white sharks found?

Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have water temperature between 12 and 24 °C (54 and 75 °F), with greater concentrations in the United States (Northeast and California), South Africa, Japan, Oceania, Chile, and the Mediterranean including Sea of Marmara and Bosphorus.

Where are great white sharks in the US?

White sharks live worldwide in cool, coastal waters. In the eastern Pacific, they live from Baja California, Mexico, to the Gulf of Alaska, and appear to be most abundant in California at the Channel Islands off southern California and locations north of Point Conception, California.

Where is the largest population of great white sharks?

South Africa

Does AK 47 work underwater?

Submerging an AK 47 gun and firing it underwater appears to make it work better, according to high speed footage. When the footage was slowed down, they discovered that not only does the weapon still fire while under water, it actually reloads itself faster.

How far in water will a bullet travel?

Typical bullets can travel just a few feet through the water before they’re slowed to a stop. CAV-X bullets can reportedly travel 60 meters underwater, and can go through 2 centimeters of steel fired from 17 meters away, indicating that it could even be used to penetrate submarines.

Can a bullet hit a plane?

Even if regular bullets were used by sky marshals, the chances that a stray bullet would bring down a plane are minimal. “People have got so het up about stray bullets passing through the shell of an aircraft, but people aren’t going to be sucked out of a tiny 9mm hole made by a bullet.

How far will a 9mm bullet go underwater?

Most hand guns like the 9mm will penetrate the water up to 7 feet. If you are deeper than 8 feet, you probably be safe from someone who is firing at you from outside of the water with a handgun.

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