Where can 15 year olds work in Missouri?

Where can 15 year olds work in Missouri?

14-15 year olds Retail: cashier, price marking, bagging, selling, packing, shelving (work certificate needed) Maintenance/janitorial services – for private residence – (work certificate needed) Food service delivery: preparing/serving food and beverages (work certificate needed)

What is Best Buy starting pay?

Best Buy Jobs by Hourly Rate

Job Title Range Average
Sales Associate Range:$10 – $16 Average:$13
Customer Service Specialist Range:$10 – $15 Average:$12
Inventory Specialist Range:$10 – $16 Average:$13
Computer Repair Technician Range:$12 – $21 Average:$16

Is Best Buy a good first job?

Best Buy was a good starting job to have, no matter how much technological experience you have. You’ll meet a lot of cool people, and discounts are also a plus as well! A lot of training to do a basic job.

Is working at Best Buy worth it?

It’s a retail job so it’s got ups and downs and customers can be crazy. They pay pretty decent and have good benefits. Overall not a bad place to work as long as you can deal with some stressful situations.

Does Best Buy hire people with no experience?

Yes, they are willing to train anyone they believe to be the best fit for the job. Best Buy has E-Learning that must be done to help you do your job. Depending on the department, there are also trainings that you attend outside of Best Buy and everyone is eager to help the new employees.

Can I work at Best Buy without a diploma?

The retail chain hires applicants with a high school diploma and knowledge of the latest trends in technology and electronics. Store-level jobs vary with Best Buy. All candidates must be 16 years or older and be ready to learn new and exciting things. Other positions sometimes require more.

Do you have to be smart to work at Best Buy?

In order to receive an employee discount on electronics, music and tech support, many job seekers are applying for positions with Best Buy. Generating more than $42 billion in sales each year, Best Buy needs smart and friendly employees to work the floor, interact with customers and provide technical support.

Does Best Buy pay weekly?

Does Best Buy pay weekly? Best Buy gives you a biweekly paycheck and the pay period starts on a Sunday. Two weeks after that, with the pay period ending on a Saturday, you will then get paid on the following Friday. You’ll get paid by either direct deposit or an actual check, depending on your preference.

What skills do you need to have to work at Best Buy?

Best Buy looks for dependable people who have great communication skills. Since most of their positions entail a lot of customer service, interviewers want to hire personable and relatable employees.

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