Where can I find a rocket launcher in GTA 3?
Shoreside Vale
Where is the rocket launcher in GTA Vice City?
GTA Vice City
- Available at the Vercetti Estate, Hyman Condo, and Ocean View Hotel after collecting 70 hidden packages.
- Located in the pool behind the Hooker Inn.
- Available to buy from Phil’s Place for $8,000 after completing Boomshine Saigon.
What happens when you reach level 100 GTA 5?
This weekend, Rockstar is offering double experience across GTA Online events, allowing players to rank up and earn access to game features more quickly….Unlocks.
100 | Platinum Tint Unlock | Weapon Customization |
100 | Auto Armor 100% | Vehicle |
100 | RPG | Weapon |
120 | Minigun | Weapon |
What is the highest rank you can get in GTA 5 Online?
Rank 8000
What is the fastest way to level up in GTA Online 2020?
10 Ways To Level Up Fast In GTA Online
- 1 Special Cargo. The final method you can use to level up quickly are Special Cargo missions.
- 2 Survival Missions.
- 3 Crate Drops.
- 4 Adversary Mode.
- 5 Corporate Gains.
- 6 Weekly Events.
- 7 Daily Objectives.
- 8 Lucky Wheel.
What is JP in GTA?
Answer: JP or Job Points are earned after completing Jobs while online. These points are used to decide who wins a Playlist and help determine what Jobs are played within a session. If you leave a session your Job Points will be reset.
What missions give the most RP?
Best GTA Online Missions to earn RP
- Diamonds are for Trevor. Image credits: GreyLeafGamer, youtube.
- Chemical Extraction. Image credits: GTAinsidecom, Youtube.
- Rooftop Rumble. Image Credits: TheShadowGuides, Youtube.
- Satellite Communications. Satellite Communications.
- Method in the Madness. Image credits: Trizzle83, Youtube.
What rank do you unlock everything in GTA 5 Online?
GTA 5 Online Level Unlocks and Missions
Rank 1 | Combat Shotgun Pistol | Rockstar Created Jobs |
Rank 2 | Stunt Jumps Pistol – Clips | |
Rank 3 | Car Mod Shop – Los Santos Customs Pegasus Shops Hold Ups One On One Deathmatch Shooting Range | |
Rank 4 | Pistol – Flashlight |
How do you get a million dollars in 2020?
Rockstar announced that, as a celebration of GTA V coming to PS5, loyal players of the game on PS4 will get a $1,000,000 bonus in GTA: Online. To claim this bonus, you must only play the game at least once a month, which is not too much to ask for.
What is the best car to sell in GTA 5 Online?
What are the most expensive cars you can sell to Los Santos Customs?
Sports | Vapid Peyote (Peyote gang) | $12 940 |
Coupes | Lampadati Felon GT | $9 500 |
Sports | Declasse Tornado (Gang version) | $9 040 |
Coupes | Lampadati Felon | $9 000 |
SUV | Gallivanter Baller (Modern) | $9 000 |