Where can I find argumentative articles?

Where can I find argumentative articles?

Additional Databases

  • Academic Search Premier. Provides magazine and newspaper articles as well as scholarly journal articles.
  • MasterFILE Premier.
  • Newsbank.
  • Newspaper Source.
  • ProQuest Global Newsstream.
  • New York Times.
  • Philadelphia Inquirer.
  • Wall Street Journal.

What are good argumentative topics?


  • Education should be free for everyone.
  • Why are the US citizens rapidly becoming more obese?
  • Internet access must be limited to students.
  • Young people must have a right to choose when it comes to military.
  • Each student must have a right to pick only those disciplines he is interested in.

What are the 5 elements of argumentative writing?

The Five Parts of Argument Reason; Evidence; Warrant; Acknowledgement and Response.

What are the six elements of argumentation?

Terms in this set (9)

  • Purpose. The specific reasons for writing or speaking the goal the writer or speaker wishes to achieve.
  • Audience.
  • Claim.
  • Evidence.
  • Reasoning.
  • Counterclaim.
  • Logos.
  • Pathos.

How do you write a strong argument?

Building Strong Arguments

  1. Consider the situation. Think of all aspects of the communication situation What are the subject and purpose of your message?
  2. Clarify your thinking.
  3. Construct a claim.
  4. Collect evidence.
  5. Consider key objections.
  6. Craft your argument.
  7. Confirm your main point.

What is a strong argument?

Definition: A strong argument is a non-deductive argument that succeeds in providing probable, but not conclusive, logical support for its conclusion. A weak argument is a non-deductive argument that fails to provide probable support for its conclusion.

What is argumentative essay and examples?

Definition of Argumentative Essay. An argumentative essay is a type of essay that presents arguments about both sides of an issue. It could be that both sides are presented equally balanced, or it could be that one side is presented more forcefully than the other.

How do you argue in an argumentative essay?

These steps will help you get your point across clearly and concisely:

  1. Turn the topic into a question and answer it. Set up a big question in the title of your essay or within the first few sentences.
  2. State an argument—and then refute it.
  3. Briefly outline your main points.

What should you avoid when writing an argumentative essay?

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Argument Essays

  • DO follow assignment guidelines.
  • DON’T preface a statement with phrases such as, “I believe,” or “I think.” These expressions only serve to weaken the statement.
  • DO take citation style seriously.
  • DO attribute all ideas to their source.
  • DON’T signpost.
  • DO integrate quotes smoothly.
  • DON’T use inflated phrases.

What is an argumentative thesis example?

Most people would agree that junk food is bad for your health. Because junk food is bad for your health, the size of sodas offered at fast-food restaurants should be regulated by the federal government is a debatable thesis.

What is the main purpose of an argumentative essay?

The ultimate purpose of an argumentative essay is always to persuade or persuade a particular audience to understand the other side of the argument in order to support a new belief or idea. Clearly explain why this type of writing skills is actually the basic and basic requirement of each student.

What are the features of an argumentative essay?

The following five features make up the structure of an argumentative essay:

  • Introduction and thesis.
  • Opposing and qualifying ideas.
  • Strong evidence in support of claim.
  • Style and tone of language.
  • A compelling conclusion.

What is the purpose of arguing?

Primarily, argument has two purposes: argument is used to change people’s points of view or persuade them to accept new points of view; and argument is used to persuade people to a particular action or new behavior.

What is an argumentative text?

It provides information about something rather than arguing in favour of a particular point of view. Many of the texts you read will be argumentative texts. They argue in favour of something. Often authors will state clearly what it is that they are arguing.

What are the 4 types of arguments?

Hence there are four types of arguments: conclusive a priori, defeasible a priori, defeasible a posteriori, and prima facie conclusive a posteriori.

What are the three types of argumentative writing?

Though all argumentative essays should discuss each side of the argument, different types of argumentative essays dictate a different approach to presenting the information. Types of argumentative essays include persuasive, research, analysis and personal essays.

What is an argumentative sentence?

Definition of Argumentative. predisposed to debating, disagreeing, or expressing controversial opinions or beliefs. Examples of Argumentative in a sentence. 1. An argumentative student will often disagree with the teacher just for the sake of doing so rather than having a good reason.

Is argumentative positive or negative?

Devoid of a clear contextual support, the connotation is naturally seen as negative, because of its primary definition and because of its relatively more frequent use in a negative sense. Do use argumentative, with a clear context in support of a neutral connotation (Examples marked 1, 2 above may help).

Is it good to be argumentative?

An argumentative person is someone that has firm convictions, is assertive and speaks their mind about things. These are good qualities. But being argumentative is not considered a good quality because people don’t like to argue for the most part.

What is an argumentative person called?

If you love to argue, you’re eristic. Being eristic is a fairly common quality for a debater to have. The person doing the arguing can also be called an eristic: “It makes me mad when that eristic wins his debates with his false arguments.” The Greek root word is eris, “strife or discord.”

How do I stop being so argumentative?

Stop Arguing Your Relationships to Death

  1. How arguing ruins relationships.
  2. 1) You stop arguing!
  3. 2) Stop arguing by binning the insults.
  4. 3) Stop trying to convince people by arguing.
  5. 4) Stop arguing about the past.
  6. 5) Give yourself 30 minutes to calm down.
  7. 6) Stop taking it to heart.
  8. 7) Keep a lid on it.

Is argumentative a mood?

Someone who is argumentative is always ready to disagree or start arguing with other people. You’re in an argumentative mood today!

What is it called when someone starts a fight?

belligerent Add to list Share. If someone is belligerent, they’re eager to fight. Belligerent comes from the Latin word bellum, for “war.” You can use it to talk about actual wars — the nations taking part in a war are called belligerents — but usually belligerent describes a psychological disposition.

What is a problematic person?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word problematic as “posing a problem: difficult to solve or decide.” I define problematic as someone or something you don’t personally agree with. While to others, the person you see as problematic might be normal or even enjoyable to them.

What should you not do in a fight?

7 Things You Should Never Do or Say When You’re Fighting with a Loved One

  • Don’t Yell or Get Physical.
  • Avoid Nit-Picking or Nagging About the Past.
  • Drop Your Quest to Win or Be Right.
  • Don’t Abandon Your Loved One.
  • Leave Others Out of It.
  • Don’t Insult or Be Critical.
  • Don’t Try to Be A Mind Reader.

How do you win an argument with someone who is never wrong?

How to Win an Argument with Someone Who is Never Wrong …

  1. 1 Stay Calm and Strong. Maintain your confidence if you firmly believe in your case.
  2. 2 Support Claims with Evidence. Clear evidence for each point you bring up is key.
  3. 3 State Facts Vs Opinions. You need all the power you can get.
  4. 4 Choose Your Battles Wisely.
  5. 5 Stay Away from Sarcasm.
  6. 6 Consider Alternatives.
  7. 7 Let It Go.

How do you argue with someone who thinks they are always right?

One way to argue with someone who thinks they know everything is to first side with them, or at least admit you understand their side. After you agree, you can present a counterargument. For instance, you might say, “I understand what you’re saying.

What should you not say in an argument?

20 Things You Should Never Say In an Argument With Your Spouse

  • “I should have never married you.” Shutterstock/wavebreak media.
  • “You never help out around the house.” Shutterstock.
  • “You’re always on my back.” Shutterstock.
  • “I hate you.”
  • “This is your fault.”
  • “I shouldn’t have listened to you…”
  • “This was just like the last time!
  • “I could find someone better than you in an instant.”

What to say when someone is arguing?

  1. “You don’t have to solve this — it helps me just to talk to you.”
  2. “Please try to understand my point of view.”
  3. “This is important to me.
  4. “I can see my part in this.”
  5. “We’re getting off the subject.”
  6. “What are we really fighting about?”
  7. “This isn’t just your problem, it’s our problem.”

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