Where can I find chapter summaries for books?

Where can I find chapter summaries for books?

Here are eight book analysis websites that are reliable SparkNotes and CliffsNotes alternatives.

  • BookRags. BookRags is a student-focused book summary website.
  • WikiSummaries. WikiSummaries is a wiki, meaning anyone can edit content and add new books.
  • JSTOR.
  • Shmoop.
  • PinkMonkey.
  • GradeSaver.
  • Novelguide.
  • LitCharts.

Are Cliff Notes Legal?

However, there is no doubt in my mind that what CliffsNotes does is legal, regardless of whether they seek permission from the copyright holders. The summaries provided in CliffsNotes are clearly original works, not plagiarized versions of the originals.

Is Blinkist worth the money?

Third, Blinkist offers huge value for the money and is the cheapest book summary service in absolute terms. With over 4,000 summaries in its library and a price of only $0.18/day, Blinkist outshines most competitors. They have more content than most free summary sites and are cheaper than all other paid services.

How can I get free book summaries?

Where to Find Book Summary Websites

  1. GetAbstract. GetAbstract is one of the big players in this industry, for good reason: it has the widest catalog, with over 20,000 summaries.
  2. Soundview.
  3. Blinkist.
  4. ReadItFor.Me.
  5. Summaries.
  6. Optimize.
  7. Readingraphics.
  8. Instaread.

What is the best book summary app?

Book summary apps that can help you crush your reading list

  • BookNotes Book Summaries: Lifetime Subscription. BookNotes delivers key insights from over 1,000 best-selling books in just 15 minutes.
  • SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership.
  • getAbstract Book Summaries Starter Plan: 3-Year Subscription.
  • 12min Micro Book Premium Plan: 1-Yr Subscription.

What is the difference between a main idea and a summary?

Let’s back up. The difference between a summary and a main idea is length. They both provide only the important details from the text, but the main idea sums up the text in a single sentence. Therefore, a main idea is defined as a single-sentence summary.

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