Where can I submit my writing online?

Where can I submit my writing online?

Top Websites for Writers: 10 Online Writing Communities

  • CAMP NANOWRIMO. campnanowrimo.org.
  • CRITIQUE CIRCLE. critiquecircle.com.
  • CRITTERS WORKSHOP. critters.org.
  • FICTIONAUT. fictionaut.com.
  • INTERNET WRITING WORKSHOP. internetwritingworkshop.org.
  • STORYADAY. storyaday.org.
  • WATTPAD. wattpad.com.
  • THE WRITERS CHAT ROOM. writerschatroom.com.

Where can I submit my freelance writing?

Freelance Writer’s Pitch Checklist Grab it for free ?

  • Earth Island Journal.
  • VQR.
  • AMC Outdoors Magazine.
  • The Sun Magazine.
  • Boys’ Life.
  • The American Gardener.
  • One Story.
  • The American Scholar.

What is a good price per word?

Most intermediate to advanced freelance writers charge between 10 cents and $1 per word, depending on the amount of work they will have to put into the project. But, the way they bill that average range will vary.

How much did Carrie Bradshaw get paid per word?

It seems that Carrie from Sex and the City has it pretty figured out (careerwise). She has multiple bestsellers, had a column on a popular New York City newspaper, and, on top of that, she gets paid a whopping $4 per word on articles she writes for Vogue. That all sounds so amazing, too bad it’s not true.

Did Carrie Bradshaw really smoke?

In the iconic hit HBO series Sex and the City, SJP’s infamous character, Carrie Bradshaw, was a chain smoker. This habit, reportedly, caused a huge conflict with some of her male counterparts on the show.

How much older is big than Carrie?

Big his age, and she seems surprised to find he is older than 40. Yet earlier in the series Carrie informs the girls he’s 45.

What is Mr Big’s job?

Entrepreneur Financier

Did Big really love Carrie?

In the end, Big really did love Carrie, even if he didn’t always show it. He sat down with Carrie’s three besties and was honest about his feelings. More importantly, he made it clear that he was willing to let Carrie go if everyone thought she was doing the right thing.

Do they ever say Mr Big’s name?

Mr. Big (John James Preston) (born April 7, 1955) is a fictional character in the HBO series Sex and the City, portrayed by Chris Noth. The character’s name is revealed in the series prior to the last episode. His last name isn’t disclosed in the series.

Why did Carrie not marry Aiden?

Carrie and Aidan first break up when Carrie confesses, on Charlotte and Trey’s wedding day, that she had an affair with Mr. Big. Further hurt is caused when Carrie realizes Aidan only wants to marry her because he still doesn’t trust her. Aidan hoped that by marrying Carrie, it would show the world she was his.

What is Mr Big’s zodiac sign?


Why did Big and Natasha divorce?

Big’s relationship ended when he told her he needed to move to Paris for work. Initially, Carrie considered moving with him, but when Big suggested he didn’t want her to move just for him, she ended the relationship.

What did Carrie do to Natasha?

Natasha screams at Carrie saying she knew they were having an affair and then she trips down the stairs, smashing her lip and losing a tooth.

Is Mr Big a narcissist?

A narcissist with money, like Mr. Big in Sex in the City, is capable of spinning the normal narcissistic tactics to a different level simply because he has a bigger and more expensive bag of tricks. Indeed, the high-level narcissist, like the irresistible but nefarious Mr. Big, is a 5-Star Deception.

Does Carrie Bradshaw ever have a baby?

When Carrie bumps into Aidan carrying his baby in Season 6, the child was actually Sarah Jessica Parker’s. That’s why the baby looks so pleased to see her – CUTE!

Is Miranda’s baby really hers?

Prepare to Feel Old: Miranda’s Son from Sex and the City Is Not So Little Anymore. And, yes, we know he’s not really Cynthia Nixon’s son, but he could be because of how much he looks like his fictional mama. (Yes, he still has that full head of red hair.) Brady Hobbes aka Joseph Pupo in 2016.

Did Miranda really have baby?

Miranda gives birth to Brady Hobbes (an homage to their respective surnames), and the two try to raise him together as platonic partners, with difficulty.

Who is Carrie Bradshaw’s best friend?

Stanford Blatch

Who does Samantha Jones marry?

Richard Wright Though the two seemed well-matched, as they are both confident, highly successful, and like sleeping around and are uninterested in relationships, Samantha finds herself becoming increasingly attached to Richard. The two eventually commit to a monogamous relationship.

Does Carrie Bradshaw ever talk about her family?

It is mentioned that her father left her and her mother when she was five; no siblings are ever mentioned.

How did Carrie Bradshaw afford her apartment?

Carrie Bradshaw would be over her budget before she even paid her rent in full for the month. To ensure the sex columnist could live the lifestyle she and fans had become accustomed to, they utilized one of the most common explanations for shows based in New York: Carrie’s apartment was rent-controlled.

Is Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment real?

In the much-loved series, Carrie lived in a pretty spacious rent-controlled apartment at 245E 73rd Street — an address that doesn’t actually exist. Instead, the Sex and the City apartment used for filming is located down leafy Perry Street in Manhattan’s West Village.

What would Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment cost?

Carrie Bradshaw paid only $700 per month at the time. An apartment of this size would cost on average $3,500 per month. The kitchen where Carrie Bradshaw rarely cooked. The one-bedroom apartment would cost around $600,000 to own.

Where is Charlotte York’s apartment?

275 Central Park West

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