Where did the Apaches live?
The Apache dominated much of northern Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas for hundreds of years. It is estimated that about 5,000 Apache lived in the Southwest in 1680 AD. Some Apache lived in the mountains, while others lived on the plains.
What was the Apache shelter?
For shelter, Apache used tipis, ramadas, and wickiups. Tipis had hide covers. Ramadas were open- air shelters constructed of poles set in the ground and connected by cross poles covered by brush.
Did the Apache live in the North?
Historically, the Apache homelands have consisted of high mountains, sheltered and watered valleys, deep canyons, deserts, and the southern Great Plains, including areas in what is now Eastern Arizona, Northern Mexico (Sonora and Chihuahua) and New Mexico, West Texas, and Southern Colorado.
What type of homes did the Apaches have?
1 Tipis of the Plains Apaches The Jicarilla, Kiowa-Apache and some Chiricahua tribes lived near the plains and relied to a great extent on bison, so they had to be ready to move in order to follow the herds. They constructed tipis by erecting long poles to form a conical shape and covering them with buffalo hide.
What did the Apache believe in?
Traditional Apache religion was based on the belief in the supernatural and the power of nature. Nature explained everything in life for the Apache people. White Painted Woman gave our people their virtues of pleasant life and longevity.
How did the Apache bury their dead?
When the Apache buried the dead in 1902, they clothed them in the best attire the family could afford, usually the best that the camp was able to furnish. Then they wrapped the deceased in a blanket and carried the body to the hills, where it was either thrown into a crevice in the rocks or placed in a shallow grave.
Who did the Apaches worship?
However, the Apache people are still strong in their faith and continue to practice their unique religion. In Apache religion there is one main Creator, Ussen, and then lesser gods. Some of these lesser gods are called ga’ns, and they are protective mountain spirits.