Where do you aim a fire extinguisher?
A: Aim the extinguisher nozzle on the hose low, toward the base of the fire. S: Squeeze the handle or lever to discharge the extinguisher. S: Sweep the nozzle back and forth. Keep the fire extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire and move it from side to side until the flames are extinguished.
What is the correct way to use a fire extinguisher boat?
Remember the P-A-S-S word!
- Pull the pin at the top of the cylinder.
- Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
- Squeeze or press the handle.
- Sweep the contents from side to side at the base of the fire until it goes out.
What does a green can shaped buoy mark?
Green colors, green lights, and odd numbers mark the edge of a channel on your port (left) side as you enter from open sea or head upstream. Numbers usually will go up as you head upstream. A type of green marker is the cylinder-shaped can buoy.
What does a buoy with both red and green bands mark?
junction of navigable channels
What does a black buoy mean?
Black lettering on the buoy or sign gives the reason for the restriction, for example, SWIM AREA. Danger: A white buoy or sign with an orange diamond warns boaters of danger – rocks, dams, rapids, etc. The source of danger will also be lettered in black.
What does black and white buoy mean?
GREEN BUOY (CAN): Marks the left side of the channel when travelling upstream. BLACK & WHITE VERTICAL STRIPES: Marks the center of the channel. Pass closely on either side.
What does a keep out buoy look like?
Keep Out Buoys They are white with two horizontal orange bands and an orange cross inside an orange diamond on two opposite sides. If they carry a light, the light is a yellow flashing(Fl) four seconds, light.
What do 2 short blasts from a horn mean?
Two Short Blasts – This means “I intend to leave you on MY starboard side”. When you pass near another boat, you will manuever by leaving them on your right side as you pass.
What can be the most gruesome boating accident?
If you’ve ever seen a propeller strike accident, you want to do everything in your power to prevent another one. They can be the most gruesome of boating accidents. Many propeller accidents are caused by operator inexperience, incompetence, negligence, and intoxication.
How common are boating accidents?
In 2019, the Coast Guard counted 4,168 accidents that involved 613 deaths, 2,559 injuries and approximately $55 million dollars of damage to property as a result of recreational boating accidents. The fatality rate was 5.2 deaths per 100,000 registered recreational vessels.
How do most boating accidents happen?
Most boating accidents occur in the summer months or on holidays and many have nothing to do with bad weather conditions. They commonly are caused by a distracted and reckless operation of the boat, alcohol or drug consumption, equipment failure, inadequate passenger behavior, or operator inexperience.
What is the maximum horsepower a 15 year old can operate?
Persons at least 12 years of age but under 16 years of age who are not directly supervised by a person 16 years of age or older may only operate a pleasure craft propelled by a motor of no more than 40 hp (30 kW).