Where do you put a definition in a dissertation?
You place the glossary at the beginning of the document, just after the table of contents (or, if applicable, the list of figures or list of abbreviations). Readers of your dissertation can then first look through the key terms before they actually read your dissertation in full.
Why do we need definition of terms in research?
The “Definitions of Terms” ensures that your readers will understand the components of your study in the way that you will be presenting them, because often your readers may have their own understanding of the terms, or not be familiar with them at all.
What is the meaning of listing of shares?
In corporate finance, a listing refers to the company’s shares being on the list (or board) of stock that are officially traded on a stock exchange. Stocks whose market value and/or turnover fall below critical levels may be delisted by the exchange.
What is the effect of repetition?
Repetition is a favored tool among orators because it can help to emphasize a point and make a speech easier to follow. It also adds to the powers of persuasion—studies show that repetition of a phrase can convince people of its truth. Writers and speakers also use repetition to give words rhythm.
How do you list multiple things in a sentence?
Use a “loose” format—vertical space between list items—if the list items are multiple lines long. Punctuate list items only if they are complete sentences or clauses or phrases that complete the sentence begun by the lead-in (and use periods in these two cases).
Can you use a semicolon to start a list?
It is usual to use commas to separate the items in a list. However, when the list items themselves contain commas, you can “outrank” those commas by using semicolons as the separators for your list items.
Can you use multiple semicolons in a sentence?
Semicolons Connect Related Independent Clauses You can use a semicolon to join two closely related independent clauses. Yes, that means there are six total sentences up there—and thanks to the semicolon, only two capital letters. That’s exactly why you can’t substitute a comma for a semicolon.
What punctuation do you use for a list?