Where is the AC heater blower motor resistor?

Where is the AC heater blower motor resistor?

The heater blower motor resistor is often found beneath the dashboard. It is located in the heater and air conditioning compartment. It’s connected to the air conditioning system, where it can adjust the speed of the blower motor fan.

What would cause a resistor to burn up?

Burning of Resistor When a resistor has been overloaded with voltage exceeding its power rating, the resistor will become very hot to touch, darken considerably and possibly even melt or catch on fire. Although a resistor may appear damaged at this point, it can still be functioning.

What happens if a resistor is shorted?

Shorted Components in a Parallel Circuit A shorted resistor (resistance of 0 Ω) would theoretically draw infinite current from any finite source of voltage (I=E/0). In this case, the zero resistance of R2 decreases the circuit total resistance to zero Ω as well, increasing total current to a value of infinity.

What happens if I use a higher ohm resistor?

The cases where using a higher value resistor will damage a circuit exist, but are a bit less usual than the cases where it may simply produce a weaker result than desired, or a different frequency response than desired.

What can I use instead of a resistor?

Explained another way: an electrical circuit that has a difference of 2 volts, with 1 Ampere of current flowing through it, has a resistance of 2 Ohms. All electrically conductive materials are somewhat resistive, too. Because of this, even a good electrical conductor, such as metal wire, can be used as a resistor.

Can you use a paperclip as a resistor?

Attach the leads of the volt-ohm meter to the paper clips and measure the resistor value. If the paper clips touch there is an electrical ‘short’ as there is no resistance and your circuit might get damaged.

Can I use a fuse as a resistor?

A fuse can be used as a resistor. There are even fusible resistors, which act as a resistor with a definite value but they also act as a fuse on overcurrent. A fuse limits overcurrent damage by opening the circuit above a certain current value.

What is the difference between resistor and a fuse?

A fuse is a wire that breaks when a certain current passes through it. a resistor is a component that adds electrical resistance. a resistor limits the current by its resistance value measured in ohms. A fuse will allow a certain current to flow in a circuit to a certain point (its capacity).

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