Where is the density of the mantle greater?

Where is the density of the mantle greater?

As the fluid flows between these points, it adjusts to the lower temperature at the top of the mantle and cools down. This slows the particles, causing them to move closer together, increasing the density.

Where is the density of the mantle material greater at point A or point B?

Answer: The density is greater at point C. At point C the magma si cooling, as the magma cools the particles move slower and the density increases and gravity pulls the magma back towards the core. What causes the convection cell to turn to the left at point B?

Where is the density of the magma greater at point B or point C?

The density of the magma is greater at point C because the molecules are coming together and getting heavier. What causes the convection cell to turn at point B? The convection cell turns because the magma can’t continue through the hard Lithosphere.

What happens to the density of the heated mantle rock and why?

As the core heats the bottom layer of mantle material, particles move more rapidly, decreasing its density and causing it to rise.

What are the two most important things that may describe a mantle?

It is mostly solid rock, but less viscous at tectonic plate boundaries and mantle plumes. Mantle rocks there are soft and able to move plastically (over the course of millions of years) at great depth and pressure. The transfer of heat and material in the mantle helps determine the landscape of Earth.

What is the source of heat in the mantle?

Radioactive potassium, uranium and thorium are thought to be the three main sources of heat in the Earth’s interior, aside from that generated by the formation of the planet. Together, the heat keeps the mantle actively churning and the core generating a protective magnetic field.

What are the two sources of heat in the Earth’s mantle?

The flow of heat from Earth’s interior to the surface is estimated at 47±2 terawatts (TW) and comes from two main sources in roughly equal amounts: the radiogenic heat produced by the radioactive decay of isotopes in the mantle and crust, and the primordial heat left over from the formation of Earth.

What is the average rate of temperature increase in the mantle?

As a general rule, the crust temperature is rising with depth due to the heat flow from the much hotter mantle; away from tectonic plate boundaries, temperature rises in about 25–30 °C/km (72–87 °F/mi) of depth near the surface in most of the world.

Is Earth’s core cooling?

The Earth’s inner core is thought to be slowly growing as the liquid outer core at the boundary with the inner core cools and solidifies due to the gradual cooling of the Earth’s interior (about 100 degrees Celsius per billion years).

Is Earth’s core hotter than Sun?

The Earth’s core is hotter than the outer layer of the Sun. The Sun’s huge boiling convection cells, in the outer visible layer, called the photosphere, have a temperature of 5,500°C. The Earth’s core temperature is about 6100ºC. The inner core, under huge pressure, is solid and may be a single immense iron crystal.

What happens if Earth’s core cools?

When the molten outer core cools and becomes solid, a very long time in the future, the Earth’s magnetic field will disappear. When that happens, compasses will stop pointing north, birds will not know where to fly when they migrate, and the Earth’s atmosphere will disappear.

What keeps the Earth’s core hot?

There are three main sources of heat in the deep earth: (1) heat from when the planet formed and accreted, which has not yet been lost; (2) frictional heating, caused by denser core material sinking to the center of the planet; and (3) heat from the decay of radioactive elements.

How hot is it 1 mile underground?

The temp gradient is about 1.6 deg per 100 ft. Thus at 1 mile deep it is about 84 deg plus 60 deg or about 144 deg.

Is the Earth’s core getting hotter?

Radioactive decay and leftover heat from the planet’s formation caused this ball to become even hotter. The core is thought to be so hot due to the decay of radioactive elements, leftover heat from planetary formation, and heat released as the liquid outer core solidifies near its boundary with the inner core.

How do we know the earth’s core is hot?

But how do scientists know how hot Earth’s core is? They can’t see it. They can’t dig down deep enough to use a thermometer to measure its temperature.

What is the hottest thing in the universe?

The hottest thing in the Universe: Supernova The temperatures at the core during the explosion soar up to 100 billion degrees Celsius, 6000 times the temperature of the Sun’s core.

What is the hottest layer of the earth?

inner core

How far have we drilled into the earth?

Humans have drilled over 12 kilometers (7.67 miles) in the Sakhalin-I. In terms of depth below the surface, the Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3 retains the world record at 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) in 1989 and still is the deepest artificial point on Earth.

Has anyone ever dug into mantle?

This is the Kola Superdeep Borehole, the deepest manmade hole on Earth and deepest artificial point on Earth. During the Cold War, there was a race by the superpowers to drill as deep as possible into the Earth’s crust – and even to reach the mantle of the planet itself.

How far have we drilled into the Earth 2021?

Deepest drillings The Kola Superdeep Borehole on the Kola peninsula of Russia reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) and is the deepest penetration of the Earth’s solid surface.

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