Where is the serial number on a Lefever Nitro Special?

Where is the serial number on a Lefever Nitro Special?

Serial Number and Grade location: Lefever sideplate serial numbers start at 5000 and end somewhere in the mid 74XXX range. Anything over 100,000 is a Nitro Special made by Ithaca and is a completely different gun. The best place to find the serial number will be on the water table.

When was Lefever Nitro Special made?

However, up to 1/3 of LAC guns were produced out of sequence….Lefever Nitro Special – (Made by Ithaca Gun Co.)

Observed Year of Production: Serial Number of Gun:
1921 100,000 – 101599
1922 119899
1923 158699
1924 185399

Is the Ithaca 37 a good gun?

Given its simplicity in functionality and its inherent reliability, if you’re beginning to explore the shotgun sports, this is one shotgun model well worth your consideration. The Model 37 is most popular in its 12-gauge version. They’re also available in 20-gauge and 28-gauge.

Can you slam fire an Ithaca Model 37?

Thus, holding the trigger down allowed the gun to fire the instant a new round is cycled into the chamber without requiring the trigger to be released; this feature was called “slam-fire.” Otherwise, the Model 37 operates in much the same way as other pump-action shotguns.

Are free-floating firing pins safe?

Generally speaking, free-floating firing pins are safe. The only risk occurs if you allow gunk to build up in them and bind them, which can result in the pin becoming stuck forward. This rare and dangerous situation can result in a slamfire when the bolt or slide is closed.

Can you slam fire an AR-15?

Neither rifle will slam fire when chambering a round or when rapid firing. A safety precaution that knowledgeable AR-15 owners practice is to not use the same cartridge in the top of the magazine more than a couple of times to chamber a round if the round isn’t fired but is ultimately ejected unfired.

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