
Where is the Y button on TI 84 Plus?

Where is the Y button on TI 84 Plus?

Just press [ALPHA][TRACE] and choose the name of the function you want to insert in your equation. See the first screen….To enter functions in the calculator, perform the following steps:

  1. Press [MODE] and put the calculator in Function mode.
  2. Press ! to access the Y= editor.
  3. Enter your function.

Why does my TI-84 calculator say invalid dim?

The TI‑84 Plus CE allows for undefined values on a graph. The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.

How do I fix the error range on my TI 84?

There is no one good window range for all graphs, since graphs can have different areas of interest. Press the ZOOM key, then select ZStandard. This will restore the window settings to the default range, which will at least allow the graph to be displayed. You can then change the window range and/or zoom as desired.

What does error no sign change mean?

1. After hitting ENTER after the “Guess?” screen, I received an error message that says “ERR: NO SIGN CHNG.” This means that the two equations did not intersect in the window. Adjust the Window and try again. If this message persists, the functions may never intersect.

Why does my TI 84 say error domain?

If you get a “domain error” message on your TI-84, then you will need to clear it. You also may need to examine the numbers you inputted for the set formulas.

What does it mean when your calculator says error domain?

DOMAIN. You usually get this message when you’re using a function housed on a menu of the calculator. If that function is, for example, expecting you to enter a number in a specified range, you get this error message if that number isn’t in the specified range.

How do I reset my TI 84 Plus?

Q: How can I completely reset my TI 84 Plus back to the factory default settings?

  1. Press 2nd MEM (that is the second function of the + key)
  2. Choose 7 (Reset)
  3. Scroll right so that ALL is selected.
  4. Press 1.
  5. Press 2 (Reset, and read the warnings)

How do I get my TI-84 Plus out of test mode without another calculator?

1. Turn off the calculator while in test mode. “Re-Press-to-Test” – press and hold down the ~, |, and É keys, and then release.

What are the normal window settings for a TI-84 calculator?

By default the window size for the graph is -10 to 10 for the X and Y axes.

What mode should my calculator be in?

Almost all calculators come with both DEG & RAD mode. You should use the mode which matches with the given data in the question. For example: if we need to find cos(v) and v=60°, then use degree mode because given angle is in degree.

What should the window settings be on a graphing calculator?

The default viewing window is set up in a 3:2 aspect ratio. The window is NOT a square. Because of these set pixels, the “nicest” viewing windows have Xmin and Xmax values that differ by a multiple of 47.

Why does my calculator say error when I try to graph?

The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.

What does zoom 6 do on a graphing calculator?

Press ZOOM 6 to draw a graph of your equation between the values of -10 and 10 for both x and y.

Where is Zoom on calculator?

Use [ZOOM] “1: ZBox” to zoom to a particular part of the graph. Go to: [ZOOM] “1: ZBox”. Use the arrow keys to position in the upper left corner of what you want. [ENTER].

Does Zoom have a calculator?

Zoom Math is a brand of apps that run on any TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator (unless it’s a CE). App4Math is a free app for basic calculations. Zoom Math 400 solves trigonometry and precalculus problems.

What does zoom 7 mean and how do you use it on the calculator?

The ZOOM 7:ZTrig option allows the user to select a new VIEWING RECTANGLE that has an appropriate dimension for viewing trigonometric functions such as . The VIEWING RECTANGLE that is set by this option is [-(27/24) , (27/24) , /2] X [-4,4,1], where the values are set in radian mode.

What is the significance of ymax?

What is the significance of Ymax? Ymax must be larger than greatest frequency in any class.

What do the Xscl and YSCL values change?

xmin, xmax sets the boundaries on the x axis ymin, ymax sets the boundaries on the y axis xscl, yscl sets the distance between tick marks on each axis. To change the viewing window, move the cursor to the value that needs to be changed and key in the new value. The old value will automatically be erased.

How do I graph on a TI 84 Plus?

TI-84: Setting Up a Scatter Plot

  1. Go to [2nd] “STAT PLOT”. Make sure that only Plot1 is ON.
  2. Go to Y1 and [Clear] any functions.
  3. Go to [STAT] [EDIT]. Enter your data in L1 and L2.
  4. Then go to [ZOOM] “9: ZoomStat” to see the scatter plot in a “friendly window”.
  5. Press [TRACE] and the arrow keys to view each data point.

What is the regression feature on a TI 84?

To calculate the Linear Regression (ax+b): • Press [STAT] to enter the statistics menu. Press the right arrow key to reach the CALC menu and then press 4: LinReg(ax+b). Ensure Xlist is set at L1, Ylist is set at L2 and Store RegEQ is set at Y1 by pressing [VARS] [→] 1:Function and 1:Y1.

How do you clear a list on TI 84?

To delete a column (list) from the Stat List editor, use the arrow keys to place the cursor on the name of the list appearing in the column headings, and then press [DEL]. The list will be removed from the Stat List editor but not from the memory of the calculator. This is a quick and easy method of deleting a list!

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