Where was Curry invented?

Where was Curry invented?

Indian subcontinent

Did Curry originate in India?

Curry, (from Tamil kari: “sauce”), in Western usage, a dish composed with a sauce or gravy seasoned with a mixture of ground spices that is thought to have originated in India and has since spread to many regions of the world. Spicy Thai red curry and chicken dish.

How old is curry?

The two researchers dated the remains of these spices to between 2500 and 2200 B.C. That, and the discovery of a “carbonized clove of garlic,” Lawler writes, supports the theory that “curry is not only among the world’s most popular dishes; it also may be the oldest continuously prepared cuisine on the planet.”

Why is curry so addictive?

Scientists at Nottingham Trent University have discovered that people can actually become addicted to curries, because they arouse and stimulate the senses. Their findings indicate that people do not just crave curry because of its spicy taste, but also because it stimulates the senses and provides a natural high.

Are Indian spices addictive?

Yes, it is very addictive and very very dangerous.

Is Indian food the best in the world?

More than five per cent people across two of the large economies eat at Indian restaurants, making Indian cuisine fourth most popular in the world.

Why is Indian food so flavorful?

With its use of cumin, tamarind, pepper, and other powerful spicy ingredients ensuing taste combinations unlike anything found around the globe. There is a reason why Indian food is so tasty—it is the fewer numbers of overlapping flavors in ingredients that bring out a unique flavor.

Is Korean or Indian food spicier?

Is Korean food spicier than Indian food? Korean foods are definitely not as spicy as Indian food can get. Meanwhile, Korea’s CHUNG-YANG pepper has less heat on the Scoville scale than Tabasco. One of India’s hottest dishes like the Nagamese Pork Curry uses ghost peppers and has no similar Korean comparison.

What’s better for you Indian or Chinese?

Northern Chinese food tends to feature more meat dishes and wheat-based dishes. Southern Chinese food tends to feature more vegetable dishes and rice-based dishes. So, I think Southern Chinese food is healthier. So, the conclusion is, Indian and Chinese food both are just as healthy and as unhealthy as each other.

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