Where would your mass be greatest?
Which planet has the least amount of mass?
The smallest planet in regards to both mass and volume is Mercury — at 4,879 km across and 3.3010 x 1023 kg, this tiny world is nearly 20 times less massive than Earth, and its diameter is about 2½ times smaller.
What happens to your weight as you go down a well?
As you travel away from the Earth’s surface, your mass stays the same but your weight reduces as gravitational pull decreases. “The experience of weight is through that counteracting force of the ground pushing back on you as you’re pushing down on the ground, because gravity is pulling you down.
Does weight decrease with altitude?
Since the gravitational constant (g) depends on the square of the distance from the center of the earth, the weight of an object decreases with altitude.
Do you poop more at high altitude?
While you may fart more frequently at higher altitudes, higher elevations do not make you poop more often. High altitudes can do a number on your digestive system. So, while higher altitudes make you pee more and fart more, they do not make you poop more.
Does altitude affect your appetite?
The effects of high altitude on the body can be taxing, and can fascinating affects your hormones relating to hunger. You just want to eat less at altitude. And if you get used to eating less, then you’re more likely to take that habit with you wherever you go.
What should I eat at high altitude?
Foods rich in potassium such as bananas, greens, avocados, dried fruit, potatoes and tomatoes help your body to acclimate faster. Ideally, you should avoid foods high in salt, but complex carbohydrates are great for stabilizing your blood sugar and maintaining energy.
What does higher altitude do to your body?
Altitude can also increase your metabolism while suppressing your appetite, meaning you’ll have to eat more than you feel like to maintain a neutral energy balance. When people are exposed to altitude for several days or weeks, their bodies begin to adjust (called “acclimation”) to the low-oxygen environment.
How much would I weigh if the Earth stopped spinning?
People at the equator would gain the most weight, and everyone evrywhere would weigh about the same as if they were at the poles. Not accounting, of course, for the fact that if the Earth suddenly stopped revolving, I would quickly lose about 5 lbs; just before I slammed itno the side of a mountain.