Which band produce a higher sound which band produced a lower sound?

Which band produce a higher sound which band produced a lower sound?

The rubber band length which can vibrate is shorter. The shorter bands vibrate faster, which creates a higher pitch.

Which produced high pitch sound the thin or the thick rubber band?

The thickness of the rubber band changed the tone of the sound you heard when you plucked it. The thinner strings on a guitar make a higher-pitch sound because they can vibrate more quickly than the thicker ones.

Is there a difference in the sound produced when the ruler is placed across the box?

Answer: The original rubber band arrangement will produce lower pitched sounds than those made when the ruler is placed in the center. If the ruler is placed off center, the longer side will produce low, long, heavy sounds, while the shorter side will produce the high, short sounds.

How does two rubber bands make sound?

Answer: The longer length of the rubber band makes a low, long, heavy sound and vibrates at a slower rate of frequency. The shorter length of rubber band makes a high, short sound and vibrates at a faster rate or frequency. The shorter length causes the band to vibrate faster and produces a higher pitch.

What happens when you plucked the elastic bands the first time?

Answer: When the rubber bands are plucked in order, from thinnest to thickest, the sound will gradually change from a high pitch to a low pitch. When a ruler “bridge” is added, it absorbs some of the vibrations. The length of the rubber band that is able to vibrate becomes shorter.

What happens to the rubber band as the person keeps pulling it?

You input potential (stored) energy into the rubber band system when you stretched the rubber band back. Because it is an elastic system, this kind of potential energy is specifically called elastic potential energy. When the rubber band is released, the potential energy is quickly converted to kinetic (motion) energy.

What movement happens to the rubber band when you pluck it?

Plucking a stretched rubber band would cause the object to vibrate and sound waves would be created. We would hear a sound if we listen to the rubber band.

Are there change in the note when you plucked the stretch band?

Yes. there are changes in the note when you the stretched band plucked.

Is there a change in the sound produced when you pluck the rubber band while stretching it?

Different rubber bands will produce different resonant frequencies, depending on their thickness or width, and how tightly they are stretched. Thicker, heavier, and loosely stretched rubber bands will sound lower pitched, while thinner, lighter, tightly stretched rubber bands will sound higher.

Which part of the rubber band shorter side or longer side provides higher pitch?

The shorter bands will vibrate faster, producing a higher pitch. By moving the ruler “bridge” off the center point, one side of the rubber band becomes short and the other long. The longer length of the rubber band makes a low, long, heavy sound and vibrates at a slower rate of frequency.

Which string has the highest pitch?


What physical signs did you observe when you plucked each rubber band?

Answer Expert Verified When the rubber bands were plucked a vibration occurs that produces sound. With this, it will be known that vibrations produce sound. Moreover, sound is a sound wave caused by vibrating particles surrounding the matter.

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