Which best describes the purpose of the stage directions?

Which best describes the purpose of the stage directions?

Which best describes the purpose of the stage directions in this excerpt? They encourage the reader to pretend that he or she is a part of the scene. They tell the reader what each person is doing without forcing dialogue. They encourage the reader to imagine what each person might be thinking.

Which best describes the purpose of the stage direction in this excerpt?

Answer: The option that best describes the purpose of the stage direction in this excerpt is They tell the reader what each person is doing without forcing dialogue.

Why did Anne and her sister most likely wear so many layers of clothing?

Why did Anne and her sister most likely wear so many layers of clothing? They were worried about being cold during the walk. They were bringing extra garments for the Van Daan family. They could bring into hiding only what they could carry.

Why does Mr Frank Dance with Anne when no one else will?

Why does Mr. Frank dance with Anne when no one else will? He wants her to enjoy her time. You just studied 16 terms!

Why was Anne called Mrs Quack Quack?

Why was Anne called Mrs. Quack, Quack? Her school teacher named her Mrs. Quack, Quack because she never stops talking.

Why did Anne find it difficult to destroy the Star of David?

Why did Anne Find it difficult to destroy the Star of David? Anne Frank wanted to be an artist and writer. But, she was not able to do this because she was a Jew.

What does Mr Frank mean she puts me to shame?

Frank says “she puts me to shame” he is referring to… being ashamed of the way Anne treats people. being ashamed that he doesn’t believe all people are basically good like Anne does. being ashamed of the type of father he was.

Why did Mr Frank invite the van daans to hide with them?

Why did Mr. Frank invite the Van Daans to hide with them? she is glad that he brought the cat because Anne misses her cat. She had to leave her cat behind.

What is the relationship between the Franks and the Van daans?

The Van Daans and Franks had a rather difficult relationship while living in the annexe. The two families were constantly fighting about some issue or the other. Mrs Frank and Mrs. Van Daan did not get along very well.

Why does the man from the storeroom request extra money?

Why does the man in the storeroom request extra money? He knows Mr. Kraler was hiding the Franks and was bribing him to pay money to keep the secret.

What does Mr Frank mean by for the past two years we have lived in fear now we can live in hope?

Frank is comparing their lives in the annex to self-imposed imprisonment. They were afraid all the time…. always waiting to be found now that the Gestapo has arrived to take them away, the only thing they have left is hope.

What news does Miep bring?

What amazing news does Miep bring to the Annex? Miep told the residents that the invasion, D-day, had begun. How is the play told? Which event prompted the Franks to go into hiding before the hiding place Mr.

Why did Franks wear so many clothes?

The Franks and the others know that they will be in the Annex indefinitely, so they must bring us much as they can with them to last for the duration. They wear as much as they can, in anticipation that this is all the clothes they will have. Carrying luggage for clothes will also cause suspicion from the Nazis.

How is Mrs Frank’s reaction to Mr Van Daan stealing food out of character for her?

How did Mrs. Frank react to Mr. Van Daan stealing food? She yelled at Van Daan, and suggested throwing the Van Daans out onto the street.

What bad news does Mr kraler bring?

What bad news does Mr. Kraler bring? He says that the thief had caught up to the others. What does the worker in the storeroom want?

Why does Mr kraler help the Franks?

Kraler helped the Franks to prepare the “Secret Annexe” as a hiding place. While the group was in hiding, he was instrumental in obtaining supplies, keeping them secret and providing moral and psychological support.

What does the worker in the storeroom want?

What does the worker in the storeroom want? He wants twenty more guilders a week so he can make more money.

Why is Margot jealous of Anne?

She and Margot exchange letters. Margot writes that she is somewhat jealous of Anne’s relationship with Peter, but only because she also wants someone with whom she can share her feelings. Anne’s mother forbids Anne from going up to see Peter because Mrs. van Daan is jealous.

What is the difference between Edith’s relationship with Margot and Anne?

Anne and Margot are sisters, but their personalities are very different. Margot is quiet, and Anne is confident and loud. The two opposite sisters find themselves at odds with each other at times but still have love for one another.

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