Which European imperial power took control in the Indian Ocean?

Which European imperial power took control in the Indian Ocean?

Competing with the English and Dutch to replace the Portuguese as the preeminent European power in the Indian Ocean, France gradually established a network of colonial holdings that included the island colonies of the Mascarenes in the southwestern Indian Ocean (Réunion and Mauritius) as well as a network of trading …

Why do you think some nations colonized other nations in the 19th and 20th centuries?

nations. They wanted more resources to fuel their industrial production. Many nations looked to Africa as a source of raw materials and as a market for industrial products. As a result, colonial pow- ers seized vast areas of Africa during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Which two nations had control of the greatest amount of territory in Africa?

What two nations had control of the greatest amount of territory in Africa? Britain and Europe wanted to exert their economic and military influence, and were centered around slave trade. They were also stationed on the coastal outposts.

Which two European countries controlled the most land in Africa?

Scramble For Africa

Question Answer
According to the map, what two European countries held the most control of Africa? British and French
What percentage of Africa was colonized by 1913? 97 percent
What was a major motivating factor for the European powers in their Scramble for Africa? prestige, economic advantage,and power

Which country controls most Africa?

The British Empire

What country colonized the most land in Africa?


Who owned the most of Africa?

Even as late as the 1870s, Europeans controlled only ten percent of the African continent, with all their territories located near the coast. The most important holdings were Angola and Mozambique, held by Portugal; the Cape Colony, held by Great Britain ; and Algeria, held by France.

Does England own Africa?

Great Britain got southern and northeastern Africa from Berlin. From 1880-1900 Britain gained control over or occupied what are now known as Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, northwestern Somalia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, and Malawi.

What is Africa’s real name?

The Kemetic or Alkebulan history of Afrika suggests that the ancient name of the continent was Alkebulan. The word Alkebu-Ian is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Alkebulan meaning the garden of Eden or the mother of mankind. The word Africa came into existence in the late 17th century.

What was South Africa called before 1910?

Following the defeat of the Boers in the Anglo-Boer or South African War (1899–1902), the Union of South Africa was created as a self-governing dominion of the British Empire on 31 May 1910 in terms of the South Africa Act 1909, which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Colony of …

Which tribe was first in South Africa?

The Khoisan were the first inhabitants of southern Africa and one of the earliest distinct groups of Homo sapiens, enduring centuries of gradual dispossession at the hands of every new wave of settlers, including the Bantu, whose descendants make up most of South Africa’s black population today.

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