
Which excerpt from first generation of Dreaming in Cuban is the best example of magical realism?

Which excerpt from first generation of Dreaming in Cuban is the best example of magical realism?

From the given excerpts of “First Generation” or Dreaming in Cuban, the one that is an example of magic realism is option B: “We camped out under a sapodilla tree and listened to the pygmy owls with their old women’s voices.”

Why does the author include these sentences Letter from Birmingham Jail?

Answer Expert Verified The given excerpt above is taken from “Letter from Birmingham Jail” which was written by Dr. Martin Luther King, and the reason why the author includes the given sentences is to “encourage or motivate the understanding of black nationalists”.

Which best describes Frank’s intent when she says I’m not going to spend my life explaining?

FRANK—I’m not going to spend my life explaining. Which best describes Frank’s intent when she says, “I’m not going to spend my life explaining”? She becomes annoyed when she has to explain simple things to others. Read the following scene from A Man’s World.

Which best describes why this excerpt is ironic a man’s world?

Answer: The statement that best describes the irony in the excerpt is the first one “Frank should be insulted that people say that a man writes her books, but she actually views it as a compliment.”

Which strategy is the best way to improve the written expression in a redundant sentence quizlet?

Which strategy is the best way to improve the written expression in a redundant sentence? Remove unnecessary repetition. Read the excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”

Which statement best describes this excerpt it contains facts about whether or not a man’s world will impact social norms it contains facts about how a man’s world will impact viewers it contains the opinion of a person who saw a man’s world it contains the opinion?

It contains facts about whether or not A Man’s World will impact social norms. STEP-BY-STEP EXPLANATION: The correct answer is the option c) It contains the opinion of a person who saw A Man’s World.

Which best describes the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence quizlet?

Which best describes the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence? The colonies are no longer loyal to Britain’s tyrannical rule. The government of England is subjecting the American colonists to laws that take away their unalienable rights.

Why is the origin of the Robin considered a creation myth quizlet?

Why is “The Origin of the Robin” considered a creation myth? It describes an ancient ritual that had unexpected results. It illustrates Iroquois views on honor and loyalty. It is about a boy who changes into a robin.

Which statement best describes this excerpt the crisis number XIII?

The statement that best describes the excerpt from The Crisis, Number XIII, by Thomas Paine is, most of the sentences have a similar structure. The correct answer is option C. Most of the sentences in the excerpt are simple sentences.

Which is the best way to rewrite sentence 2 Sameer?

Answer: The best way to rewrite sentence 2 is: Despite his nerves, he was ready for his first interview; he had thought through each potential question. Explanation: To rewrite sentence 2 in order to make it more accurate we can add punctuation marks, in this case, we use a comma and semicolon.

Which of the following is a run on sentence in 1783?

The answer to your question would be that the option that stands for example of a run-on sentence would be the following one: On April 19, 1783, the US Congress ratified a preliminary peace treaty and five months later, the US and Britain signed the Treaty of Paris and British troops left New York City in November.

Which statement best describes one main idea of of Plymouth Plantation?

The statement that best describes one main idea of Of Plymouth Plantation is : “The journey to Cape Cod was long and difficult for the colonists.” Option D is correct. William Bradford, leader of the Plymouth Colony (Massachusetts) wrote “Of Plymouth Plantation” between 1620 and 1647.

What is the main idea of paragraph three of of Plymouth Plantation?

Answer Expert Verified The main idea of paragraph three of Of Plymouth Plantation was a sailor who fell overboard was spared by God to become a member of the church. According to this paragraph, if it weren’t for God whose power helped save the sailor, he would have drowned.

What is the most important idea of the second paragraph of Plymouth Plantation?

Answer Expert Verified. The most important idea of the second paragraph of “Of Plymouth Plantation” is that they should continue the voyage no matter the damage taken. Their ideas are stronger than any damage they might encounter.

What overall effect does Bradstreet achieve?

What overall effect does Bradstreet achieve in “To My Dear Loving Husband” through her use of hyperbole and metaphor? She conveys the depth of her intense love. Read the excerpt from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

Why is creating an outline an important step?

Why is creating an outline an important step in writing a personal narrative? It helps the writer determine the structure of the piece.

What is the couplet pattern in both?

Answer Expert Verified. the couplet pattern in both “To My Dear Loving Husband” and “To the King’s Most Excellent Majesty” consists of two successive lines that rhyme and have the same metre which indicates that there is a Grammatical pause by the end of every lines.

Which is the best summary of paragraph 3 of the Iroquois Constitution?

the answer is B The Tree of Great Peace represents the Iroquois’ unity.

What were important leadership qualities in the Confederacy?

He had four main characters that made him a great leader—trust in God, decisiveness, choice of men and integrity. Davis demonstrated decisiveness as the leader of the Confederacy.

Why did the Iroquois choose a tree as a symbol of strength and peace?

Placed atop the Tree of Peace it alerts members of the confederacy if danger approaches. The white pine tree was the tree chosen by the Peacemaker as a symbol of the unity of the nations of the Haudenosaunee confederacy. Its needles which always grow in clusters of five are symbolic of the uniting of the nations.

What does the tree symbolize in the Constitution?

The four roots of the Tree of Great Peace are described as white to express the Great Creator’s/God’s love and peace for all his people.

What does the tree of the great long leaves symbolize?

The Eastern White Pine tree was known to them as “the tree of the Great Long Leaves,” and Dekanaweidah used it as a symbol of his intentions. It was said to have four symbolic roots, the Great White Roots of Peace, which extended north, east, south and west. The replanted tree on top would become a tree of peace.”

What kind of tree is the tree of peace?

White Pine

Is the tree of great peace real?

The story of the Tree of Peace is true and happened in the early 1800’s. The Tree of Peace helped unite one of the most powerful leagues ever, The Iroquois League of Nations. Instead, they formed the Iroquois League. Today the Iroquois people have peace with one another and together the tribes form a powerful nation.

Where is the tree of great peace planted?

the Onondagas

What does the Tree of the Great Peace symbolize?

The Tree of Great Peace symbolizes the friendly association among the historically powerful Native American Five Nations – Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas. It is also an alliance of peace, companionship and unity withing this group of aborigin nations.

What kind of tree represents love?


What animal represents growth and progress?


What does the Bible say about a tree?

“And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” When we read these words in the second chapter of the Bible, we see a setup for the plot.

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