Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the development of the Inca empire?

Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the development of the Inca empire?

The geography of the Andes had a large effect on the Inca Empire.

Which geographic feature dominates the west coast of South America?

The far-reaching Andes Mountains and the massive Amazon River system dominate South America’s physical geography. The five-thousand-mile-long Andes Mountain chain extends along the entire western region of the continent from Venezuela to southern Chile.

How did the Inca adapt to their physical environment quizlet?

In what ways did the Inca adapt to their environment? They adapted to their environment by using terrace farming, which was very important. Terrace farming is when they cut steep hills and they would build rope bridges to cross the mountains.

Which continent economic and political development has been influenced by the Andes mountains and the Amazon River?

The continent of South America has a wide diversity of physical landscapes, from the high Andes Mountains to the tropical forests of the Amazon Basin. This assortment of physical features offers many resource bases, allowing people to engage in economic activity, gain wealth, and provide for their needs.

What geographic feature stretches nearly the entire width of South America?

The Andes consist of a vast series of extremely high plateaus surmounted by even higher peaks that form an unbroken rampart over a distance of some 5,500 miles (8,900 kilometres)—from the southern tip of South America to the continent’s northernmost coast on the Caribbean.

What is the second highest city in South America?

The Highest Cities in South America

Rank City Country
1 La Rinconada Peru
2 Parinacota Chile
3 Cerro de Pasco Peru
4 El Alto Bolivia

Which is the highest country in South America?


What does Medellin mean in English?

Noun. 1. Medellin – city in western Colombia; important coffee center.

Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the development of the Inca empire?

Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the development of the Inca empire?

The geography of the Andes had a large effect on the Inca Empire.

Which geographic feature dominates the west coast of South America?

The far-reaching Andes Mountains and the massive Amazon River system dominate South America’s physical geography. The five-thousand-mile-long Andes Mountain chain extends along the entire western region of the continent from Venezuela to southern Chile.

Which of the following geographic challenges did the Aztec civilization face?

The challenges the Aztecs faced were a lack of food, because the island wasn’t big enough for a temple and many gardens. The other environmental challenge they faced was transportation back to the main land because the main civilization was on the island.

What influenced cultural change in South America making it more of a global trade and travel destination?

However, one possible reason that influenced the cultural change of South America, making it a global travel and trade destination, was the exploitation of natural resources and the expansion and exploitation of cultural diversity.

Why is South America so ethnically diverse?

The ethno-racial composition of modern-day Latin American nations combines diverse Amerindian populations, with influence from Iberian and other European colonizers, and equally diverse African groups brought to the Americas as slave labor, and also recent immigrant groups from all over the world.

Which South American country has the largest black population?


Where did the slaves in Jamaica come from?

Jamaican enslaved peoples came from West/Central Africa and South-East Africa. Many of their customs survived based on memory and myths.

Where can Maroon communities be found?

In Brazil, Jamaica, Haiti, Suriname (the former Dutch Guiana), Cuba, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Guyana, Dominica, Panama, Colombia, and Mexico and from the Amazon River Basin to the southern United States, primarily Florida and the Carolinas, there are well-known domiciles of the maroons.

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