Which instrument became the most important during the Baroque period?
The harpsichord was the primary keyboard instrument (and an important member of the continuo group), and instruments important in the 16th and 17th centuries like the lute and viol, still continued to be used. Variations in instruments still popular today also gave the baroque ensemble a different sound.
What are the 3 types of vocal music forms of the Baroque era?
The opera, oratorio, and cantata were the most important new vocal forms, while the sonata, concerto, and overture were created for instrumental music.
What was the role of the composers during the Baroque period How was the music evolved the era?
The Baroque period saw the creation of tonality. During the period, composers and performers used more elaborate musical ornamentation, made changes in musical notation, and developed new instrumental playing techniques. Many musical terms and concepts from this era are still in use today.
What is the term for a Baroque accompaniment which included a keyboard and low stringed instrument?
Terms in this set (14) A basso continuo is provided by a keyboard and low stringed instrument playing the figured bass accompaniment.
How did the methods and subjects in art change during the Renaissance?
How did the methods and subjects in art change? Sculptors made figures more realistic than figures from the Middle Ages. Painters used perspective to create the illusion that their paintings were three-dimensional. Art in the Middle Ages was mostly religious.
What was the primary subject of paintings during the Middle Ages?
In the Middle Ages the subject of almost all European art was religion, specifically Christianity and the Catholic Church. Although Renaissance artists continued to paint religious paintings, they also branched out to other subjects including Greek and Roman mythology, historical subjects, and portraits of individuals.
How did education change during the Renaissance?
During the Renaissance, Humanism played a major role in education. Humanists —proponents or practitioners of Humanism during the Renaissance—believed that human beings could be dramatically changed by education. The Humanists of the Renaissance created schools to teach their ideas and wrote books all about education.
Why was education important in the Renaissance?
The values and purposes of Renaissance education were to improve the society, increase the economy, and restore the religious beliefs. The social lives of people were greatly influenced by advancements in education during the Renaissance. More people then ever before were send to schools and educated.
What can we learn from the Renaissance?
It was an incredible time of beauty, blossoming with creativity and curiosity. The Renaissance era also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the growth of commerce, and the inventions of innovations such as paper, printing, the mariner’s compass and gunpowder.