
Which is an example of a compound sentence?

Which is an example of a compound sentence?

An example of a compound sentence is, ‘This house is too expensive, and that house is too small. ‘ This sentence is a compound sentence because it has two independent clauses, ‘This house is too expensive’ and ‘that house is too small’ separated by a comma and the conjunction ‘and.

What words are used in compound sentences?

They are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. You can remember them as FANBOYS. Although “for” and “nor” can be used for compound sentences, they are not commonly used in modern English.

What is difference between simple complex and compound sentences?

A simple sentence consists of only one clause. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has at least one independent clause plus at least one dependent clause. Sentence 4 is compound-complex (also known as complex-compound).

How do you read complex sentences?

Complex sentences always have a main clause and at least one subordinating clause. The clauses are linked by subordinating conjunctions such as although, because, when, while and who. Here is an example of complex sentence: She went to the cafeteria (main clause) because she was hungry (subordinating clause).

How do you teach simple compound complex sentences?

How to Teach Sentence Structure: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex

  1. Be aware of misconceptions.
  2. Sequence the sentence types in a scaffolded way.
  3. Introduce sentence types with mini lessons.
  4. Give it time.
  5. Incorporate some fun.
  6. Differentiate up by requiring skill application.
  7. Focus on subjects and verbs.

What is a complex sentence easy definition?

A complex sentence is an independent clause (a sentence that can stand on its own) with 1 or more dependent clauses added (dependent clauses can’t stand on their own as a sentence).

How do you write complex sentences?

A complex sentence is formed by adding one or more subordinate (dependent) clauses to the main (independent) clause using conjunctions and/or relative pronouns. A clause is a simple sentence. Simple sentences contain only one clause (verb group). Complex sentences contain more than one clause (verb group).

What is the example of complex?

A complex sentence has an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. For example: The human brain never stops working until you stand up to speak in public.

How do you use compound and complex sentences?


  1. If two clauses are connected with a coordinating conjunction, it’s a compound sentence.
  2. If two clauses are connected with a subordinating conjunction, it’s a complex sentence.

What is compound or complex sentences?

A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has at least one independent clause plus at least one dependent clause. A set of words with no independent clause may be an incomplete sentence, also called a sentence fragment. Sentence 1 is an example of a simple sentence.

What are 3 types of compound sentences?

Three methods of forming compound sentences

  • with a coordinating conjunction (one of the fanboys);
  • with a semicolon; or.
  • with a semicolon and a transitional expression.

What makes a complex sentence?

What is complex sentences and examples?

A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. This means that the clauses are not equal, they use a co-ordinating conjunction that changes the rank of one or more of the clauses to make it less equal. For example; My Dad laughed when I told a joke.

What is the difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence?

A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has at least one independent clause plus at least one dependent clause.

Which words are used in complex sentences?

Complex sentences — linking words

  • while.
  • after.
  • though.
  • because.
  • as soon as.
  • whereas.
  • wherever.
  • when.
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