Which is an example of propellant?

Which is an example of propellant?

Common propellants are energetic materials and consist of a fuel like gasoline, jet fuel, rocket fuel, and an oxidizer. Propellants are burned or otherwise decomposed to produce the propellant gas. Other propellants are simply liquids that can readily be vaporized.

What is a propellant What does it do?

A propellant is a material that is used to move an object by applying a motive force. This may or may not involve a chemical reaction. It may be a gas, liquid, plasma, or, before the chemical reaction, a solid. Common chemical propellants consist of a fuel, like gasoline, jet fuel and rocket fuel, and an oxidizer.

What are the two types of propellant?

Most liquid chemical rockets use two separate propellants: a fuel and an oxidizer.

What is propellant made of?

PROPELLANT TYPES AND PROPERTIES Solid propellants are made up of three basic ingredients: Page 5 • oxidizer, • fuel, and • binder. Two, or even three, of these may be contained in the same material. Nitrocellulose is an example of all three, when colloided.

Is propellant harmful?

Ventricular tachyarrhythmias, bradyarrhythmias, acute heart failure, arterial hypotension, and asphyxia may cause sudden death in youths who deliberately inhale aerosol propellants. The possibility that these gases are harmful, acutely or chronically, to frequent aerosol users requires further study.

What is another name for propellant?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for propellant, like: projectile, charge, gunpowder, propellent, oxidizer, fuel-air, , refrigerant, acetylene, combustible and explosive.

What is the difference between an explosive and a propellant?

Low (or deflagrating) explosives are used primarily for propelling; they are mixtures of readily combustible substances that when ignited undergo rapid combustion1. Propellants are often materials such as gun powders, smokeless powders or liquid fuels.

What is another word for stimulus?

OTHER WORDS FOR stimulus 1 incitement, enticement, motive, provocation. 2 stimulant.

What is a stimulus example?

A stimulus is anything that can trigger a physical or behavioral change. An example of external stimuli is your body responding to a medicine. An example of internal stimuli is your vital signs changing due to a change in the body.

What’s the opposite of stimulus?

Opposite of something that arouses activity or energy in someone or something. counterincentive. deterrent. discouragement. disincentive.

What are 3 examples of stimuli?

Examples of stimuli and their responses:

  • You are hungry so you eat some food.
  • A rabbit gets scared so it runs away.
  • You are cold so you put on a jacket.
  • A dog is hot so lies in the shade.
  • It starts raining so you take out an umbrella.

Why is stimulus very important?

Stimuli is important because it enables us to react and adapt to our environment. For a response to occur, a stimuli is needed. The stimuli starts the reaction that is usually for the betterment of organism.

How does the body respond to a stimulus?

Receptors are groups of specialised cells. They detect a change in the environment stimulus. In the nervous system this leads to an electrical impulse being made in response to the stimulus. Sense organs contain groups of receptors that respond to specific stimuli.

How does a stimulus reach the brain?

A withdrawal reflex starts when sensory nerves in your skin receive a stimulus from outside the body. That stimulus starts a nerve impulse along the cell membrane. Your emotions, decisions, and physical actions all happen through nerve impulses traveling through neurons in your brain, spinal cord and nerves.

How the brain processes an external stimulus?

The brain is a part of the central nervous system that is in charge of higher cognitive functions. It facilitates sending instructions to our effector organs such as muscles and glands and it also processes sensory information we receive from the environment that is any external stimulus.

What is internal and external stimulus?

An external stimulus is a stimulus that comes from outside an organism and causes a reaction. An internal stimulus is a stimulus that comes from inside an organism.

Which is the best example of a response to an external stimulus?

Avoiding the sun by looking for food at night is the best example of a response to an external stimulus. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

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