Which is better for you watermelon or cantaloupe?

Which is better for you watermelon or cantaloupe?

A one-cup serving of cantaloupe has only 53 calories, but it contains 106 percent of the vitamin A daily value and 95 percent of vitamin C. It’s also a good source of potassium and folate. Watermelon contains the least amount of calories, coming in at 46 calories per one-cup serving.

Does cantaloupe make you fat?

It’s nutritious, delicious, and versatile. If you typically buy watermelon or honeydew melon and shy away from cantaloupe, you’re missing out. At 60 calories and no fat per 1-cup serving, adding cantaloupe to your diet arsenal is a smart way to get potent nutrients and sweetness into your healthy eating plan.

Why is cantaloupe bad for you?

Potassium. Cantaloupes are a good source of this mineral, which can help lower your blood pressure. But too much of it may cause problems if you have kidney disease. That’s because your organs may not be able to filter out all the extra potassium, This can lead to a serious condition called hyperkalemia.

Should you wash cantaloupe before cutting?

Wash your cantaloupe: By scrubbing the exterior of the fruit with antibacterial soap, you can remove harmful bacteria from the rind before you cut into it. This means that cantaloupe grows bacteria easily and can spoil when left at room temperature. If a cut melon sits out for two hours or more, throw it away.

Is Cantaloupe high in sugar?

Cantaloupe and honeydew melons are especially sweet and delicious, even though they only contain 8g of sugar per 100 grams. Watermelon can also be a tasty and refreshing snack, but it is surprisingly high in sugar. With 18 grams of sugar in an average wedge of watermelon, it’s one of the most sugary fruits you can eat.

Is Cantaloupe high in sugar and carbs?

3. Cantaloupe. This popular orange melon is great on a hot summer day and contains only 8.16 g of carbohydrates and 0.9 g of fiber per 100 g of fruit, netting only 7.26 g of carbohydrates. Melons are also considered to be low-fructose fruits.

Does cantaloupe have any health benefits?

Cantaloupe is a rich food source of vitamins A and C. “Vitamins A and C are both antioxidants that work to keep your body healthy,” Mangieri said. Antioxidants can have protective effects by neutralizing free radicals, which can damage DNA in cells and promote chronic inflammation in the body.

Is cantaloupe good for your gut?

Digestion. Cantaloupe has a high water content and provides fiber. Fiber and water can help prevent constipation, promoting regularity and a healthy digestive tract.

Is Cantaloupe a Superfood?

Cantaloupe. Not all fruits qualify as cheap superfoods, but cantaloupe is definitely an affordable superfood that has dozens of health benefits. Only a quarter of cantaloupe provides almost all the vitamin A you need in a day. Since the beta-carotene in a cantaloupe converts to vitamin A, you get both nutrients at once …

Is cantaloupe good for kidneys?

Skim milk, cantaloupe and brown rice may be the keys to preserving kidney function. According to research, eating poorly, smoking and obesity can cause kidney disease in otherwise healthy people.

Is cantaloupe bad for kidney disease?

Potassium is found mainly in fruits and vegetables; plus milk and meats. You will need to avoid certain ones and limit the amount of others. Potassium-rich foods to avoid: Melons such as cantaloupe and honeydew (watermelon is okay)

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