
Which is correct neither is or neither are?

Which is correct neither is or neither are?

If you refer to two singular subjects, “Neither is correct” is correct. For example, if John and Adam are not correct, you say “Neither of them is correct,” which reduces to “Neither is correct.” But if both subjects are plural or one of them is plural, “Neither are correct” is correct.

Is neither/nor singular or plural?

When neither and nor link singular terms, the verb is singular: Neither the car nor the truck is available. When neither and nor link a singular term and a plural one, put the plural term second and use a plural verb: Neither the car nor the trucks are available.

What is the rule for neither nor?

The verb in an or, either/or, or neither/nor sentence agrees with the noun or pronoun closest to it. Examples: Neither the plates nor the serving bowl goes on that shelf. Neither the serving bowl nor the plates go on that shelf.

How do you use neither/nor in a sentence?


  1. He can neither speak nor write English.
  2. He neither ate the cake himself nor allowed others to eat it.
  3. You should neither meet him nor talk to him.
  4. She has neither eaten anything nor slept in two days.
  5. The old woman can neither walk nor talk.
  6. She is neither beautiful nor intelligent.

Are neither and nor used together?

Either is always paired with or, and neither is always paired with nor. If you are matching either and nor, I hate to break it to you, but you’re doing it wrong. Additionally, nor is generally not used where neither is not also used.

Where do we use neither?

Different uses of either and neither: Either means ‘both’, ‘one’ and neither means ‘not either’, ‘none’. Either is used in negative constructions, while neither is used in affirmative constructions.

What is difference between either or and neither nor?

The main difference between these two pairs of words is that either & or are used when you are faced with a positive decision about what you will do (“I will do either this or that”), while neither & nor are used when you are faced with a negative decision and are describing things you won’t do (“I will do neither this …

What does neither mean?

(Entry 1 of 4) 1 : not either neither black nor white. 2 : also not neither did I.

What is neither in grammar?

Neither as a determiner Neither allows us to make a negative statement about two people or things at the same time. Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We use neither of before pronouns and plural countable nouns which have a determiner (my, his, the) before them: Neither of us went to the concert.

Is neither in a sentence?

Neither of them had a clue what was on her mind. Neither do I – and we should. The cart before the horse is neither beautiful nor useful. By the way, neither Alex nor I drink.

Can neither be used alone?

When used alone, neither means “none of the two.” (9) I have two cars, but neither is big enough. Do not use either/neither when there are more than two things involved. Use any/none in such case.

Do you say me either or neither?

Both me either and me neither mean approximately the same thing, but neither is grammatically precise. To understand why, we’ll consider how they are often expressed. Person 1: “I don’t feel like going to work today.” Person 2: “Me either” (or “Me neither”).

What is another word for neither?

What is another word for neither?

none nothing
neither one none of the two
no one of two nor this nor that
not any one not either
not either one not the one

Can you use neither in the beginning of a sentence?

You can certainly place neither at the start of a sentence. The problem with your sentence doing so is that it suffers from faulty parallelism whereby the neither precedes a verb and the parallel nor precedes a noun phrase. At any rate the sentence is not an egregrious garden path.

What is the opposite of neither?

“Both.” You use the words neither and both when you are referring to groups of two, in which the two members have something in common. The first indicates a negative state; the second indicates a positive state.

What is neither nor means?

British English: neither … nor /ˈnaɪðə nɔː; ˈniːðə-/ CONJUNCTION. You use neither … nor when you are talking about two or more things that are not true or that do not happen. The play was neither as funny nor as exciting as she said it was.

What is the antonym of neither?

What is the opposite of neither?

each every
all any
both bar none
barring no one each and every
every single without exception

What is meant by undermine?

transitive verb. 1 : to subvert or weaken insidiously or secretly trying to undermine his political rivals. 2 : to weaken or ruin by degrees. 3 : to wash away supporting material from under. 4 : to excavate the earth beneath : form a mine under : sap.

What do you mean by bulge *?

noun. a rounded projection, bend, or protruding part; protuberance; hump: a bulge in a wall. any sudden increase, as of numbers, sales, or prices: the bulge in profits.

What is a synonym for should?

have (to), must, need, ought (to), shall.

What is a word for required?

What is another word for required?

necessary needed
compulsory mandatory
obligatory vital
prescribed requisite
indispensable pivotal

Does should mean must?

The term “must” is commonly used to express any unavoidable requirement or obligation. On the other hand, “should” is used as a probability, obligation, advice, recommendation, conditional, and exceptional mood….Difference between must and should.

Characteristics Should Must
Nature Informal Legal
Degree of Emphasis Less Highest

Should I vs Must I?

Must and Should are both modal verbs. MUST is used when expressing obligation or an unavoidable requirement, whereas SHOULD is more of a recommendation, or simply a desirable goal.

Where we use should and must?

We use have to / must / should + infinitive to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to do, or to give advice about things that are a good idea to do. Must and have to are both used for obligation and are often quite similar. They are both followed by the infinitive. I must go now. / I have to go now.

What is the difference between shall and should?

‘Shall’ is a modal word used with first, second, and third-person pronouns. ‘Should’ is a modal auxiliary verb that is used alongside the subject and main verb. ‘Shall’ is used in formal writing and expresses future tense. ‘Should’ is used in informal writing mainly, and as the past tense of ‘Shall’.

When shall I come or when should I come?

both sentences are correct. it is just depends upon in which tense u want to use for. now the thing is if u want to speak in past you need to use should and if you want to tell or speak about future you can use shall. Thanks.

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