Which is stronger fusion or Potara?

Which is stronger fusion or Potara?

Bottom line: Potara is stronger than Metamoran fusion, but Gogeta is as strong as Vegito because Goku and Vegeta didn’t have to lower their power levels to fuse. Its quite balance they must have. Having to lower your power level will make for a weaker fusion. Potara doesn’t force that.

Can gogeta use Kaioken?

I believe that Yes, Gogeta Blue forms can use Kaioken, but i also believe that he must be in Blue form to do it. Any form SSJ (and up) plus Kaioken is too strong for his body to handle and kill him without Mastery of his Ki.

Could vegito beat Jiren?

No, he can’t. Jiren is stronger than a God of Destruction who is stronger than Beerus. Originally Answered: Who would win between SSB Vegito and Jiren (suppressed)?

Who is stronger vegito or Kefla?

IMO, Kefla is stronger than Vegito from the Future Trunks Saga. Kefla in super saiyan form was in a similar level to Goku Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20. Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 is the power of 20 times the power of a super saiyan blue.

Who is the strongest Saiyan?


Can Broly beat Jiren?

Broly, like all Saiyans, is powered by sheer rage, and should he go into a fight angry, he may catch Jiren off-guard. While engaging in a normal bout, however, Jiren has a definitive edge. Against such a savage warrior as Broly, to falter even for an instant, even at Jiren’s level, could mean a crushing defeat.

Is MUI Goku stronger than Broly?

That’s right broly is slightly stronger than beerus. I mean he defeated vegeta and goku super sayien blue form and even defeated frieza gold form. It took gogeta blue form to beat him. Since mui goku is stronger than jiren who in my opinion is stronger than broly, then mui goku is stronger than broly.

Who is stronger Broly or Jiren?

Some people say Jiren is stronger than Broly, while some people say Broly is stronger than Jiren. Usually, in Dragon Ball, the next enemy is stronger. However, this pattern was changed in Dragon Ball Super as Beerus is stronger than most of the antagonists that came after.

Who would win Broly or Hulk?

His healing factor gives him an edge, but other Marvel characters have beaten Hulk in the past, meaning Broly could feasibly overpower him as well. Ultimately, a fight between Broly and the Hulk could go either way. Both are absolute powerhouses strong enough to destroy entire planets.

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