Which is the best Harry Potter fan fiction?

Which is the best Harry Potter fan fiction?

If you want to spend the next week going down the HP fanfiction rabbit hole, I certainly won’t judge you.

  1. Destiny Reversed by chattypandagurl.
  2. Dumbledore’s Army and the Year of Darkness by Thanfiction.
  3. Double or Nothing by Calico.
  4. The First Day by little0bird.
  5. My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.
  6. Isolation by Bex-chan.

Who is stronger Harry or Ginny?

Ginny however powerful, has only the experience of fighting death eaters (deathly Hallows and order of the Phoenix) and teaching students along with neville and Luna. She is younger than harry and knows less spells than harry. So, in a no-mercy battle, harry would win.

Did Harry have a crush on Ginny?

Ginny Weasley is the love interest of Harry Potter and the sister of Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter film series. In the first couple of books, Ginny simply has a crush on Harry, and gets very nervous around him, while Harry does not return the feelings for her, but still likes her as a friend.

Did Ginny break up with Dean?

Then Ginny begins dating Dean Thomas. She breaks up with Dean in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, finally winning the affection of the only boy she has ever loved, Harry. Unfortunately for Ginny, Harry ends their relationship to protect her from Voldemort at the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Who married Dean?


Is Amara in love with Dean?

From the moment of her release, Amara became infatuated by Dean, as he’d been the one to release her (from her point of view). After getting her revenge, Amara began to lament her actions as, despite everything God did to her, she still loved her brother.

Does Rory sleep with Jess?

Rory and Dean stay friends after they break up over Jess Mariano (Milo Ventimiglia) at the Stars Hollow 24-hour dance marathon. While Rory moves on to dating Jess, Dean doesn’t get much screen time. That is until season 4 when he’s there for Rory in her time of need. In the Gilmore Girls Season 4 finale, they have sex.

Who does Dean marry in a year in the life?

10 He Was In A Loveless Marriage To Get Over Rory… Dean and Rory weren’t even broken up for a full year by the time he proposes to Lindsay.

Did Dean and Rory date in real life?

Casey didn’t reveal just how long Bledel and Padalecki were a real-life couple or how the relationship ended, but several sources claim the relationship started in 2001 and ended in 2002. Padalecki was cast as Dean in 2000 and portrayed Rory’s first big love from 2000 until 2005.

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