Which is the best side of a cruise ship to be on?

Which is the best side of a cruise ship to be on?

starboard side

Why is it called aft?

Aft, in naval terminology, is an adjective or adverb meaning, towards the stern (rear) of the ship, when the frame of reference is within the ship, headed at the fore. The corresponding adjective, in distinguishing one feature of the vessel from another is after. See the caption to the right. Its antonym is forward.

What is aft short for?


Acronym Definition
AFT American Federation of Teachers
AFT After
AFT Afternoon
AFT American Farmland Trust

What does aft mean in boating?

The back of a ship

What is the difference between tacking and jibing?

Tacking is how you head upwind, pointing as high into the wind as possible, to keep the sails full. A jibe is conducted when you are heading downwind. Both involve the processes of turning the boat to change course when the current direction of travel is no longer possible or safe.

Is aft Left or right?

Origin of the Terms – Port And Starboard When looking from the bow to the stern, the port lies on the right side while the starboard side lies on the left side. In nautical terms, the bow or fore lies at the forward of the ship, while the stern or aft is the rear portion.

What side do you pass a green buoy on?


What does a single white light mean on a boat?

When boating at night, what does a single white light on a boat tell you? Single white light means that the boat is stopped, probably anchored or with divers in the water. Boats underway are supposed to have a green light on the starboard side, and a red one on the port side, and a white light on the stern..

What is the white light on a boat called?

A masthead light is a white light at the front of the boat. The masthead light needs to be visible across 225 degrees and from two miles away.

What must you do if you see another vessel’s red and white lights?

If a red and a white light are visible, then another craft is approaching you from the starboard (right) side. In this situation you are the give-way craft and must yield right-of-way. You should take early and substantial action to steer well clear of the other craft.

What does 3 short blasts of a boat horn mean?

I am operating astern propulsion

What does 5 short blasts mean?

One prolonged blast is a warning signal (for example, used when coming around a blind bend or leaving a dock). Five (or more) short, rapid blasts signal danger or signal that you do not understand or that you disagree with the other boater’s intentions.

What does prolonged blast every 2 minutes mean?

Restricted Visibility One prolonged blast at intervals of not more than two minutes is a signal used by power driven vessels when underway. One prolonged blast, plus 2 short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes apart, is the signal used by sailing vessels.

What does it mean when a ship honks 3 times?

SHE: Why do they honk three times when they come into port? HE: They are signalling that they are coming home. There’s an old legend of Arturo, a Portuguese fisherman who met a beautiful girl when he came into port.

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