
Which is the most important time answer?

Which is the most important time answer?

The most important time is ‘Now’, the most important person is the person we are with at a time and the most important thing to do is to do that person good.

Who is the most necessary person?

“The most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular moment, for no one knows what will happen in the future and whether we will meet anyone else. The most important business is to do that person good, because we were sent into this world for that purpose alone.” Answer the following questions. 1.

What is the first question of King?

Ans: In answer to king’s first question, the hermit said that there is only one important time ‘Now’. It is the only time when you have power to act. In answer to king’s second question, the hermit said that the most important person is the one with whom we are at the present.

Who wanted to kill the king?

Macbeth believes he needs to kill King Duncan because he sees the king’s son, Malcolm, as a threat to the throne.

What did the two doctors do to check the king?

One of the doctors checked the King properly by examining his eyes and tongue while the other two doctors thumped his chest to find any illness. Explanation: This question is from an amazing poem called “The Enchanted Shirt”. The poet tries to teach a life lesson through it.

Why did the king feel sorry?

He is feeling sorry for being rude to his courtier.

Why is everyone talking about Hilsa?

Answer: The king did not want more talks about the hilsa-fish because he had become fed up of talks. Everyone in the court, in the market as well as all people of the city talking about hilsa-fish.

Why did the king get angry?

Answer: Ans: The king was well known for his love of wisdom. However, he was extremely hot-heated and impatient. When he was annoyed by someone he immediately had them thrown into the palace dungions.

Why did the king feel sorry after scolding?

= The courtiers also talked about the sizes and price of hilsa fish and how fishes are being sold in a lump at the market. 3) Why did the king feel sorry after scolding? He thought that nobody could stop all these people from talking about hilsa fish, not even Gopal. The king wanted to bring a change in the air.

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